
once upon a time, 15 year old crazygirl and her bff snuck into a zoo to get high ...little did we know, it was about to close within 10 minutes of our rolling up... so we did what any reasonable 15 year olds did on summer vacy...we decided to just stay and take our time, hang out and look at the was like

i think of it from the standpoint of you are only responsible for your own actions since you can't get other people to behave how you want them to. so while it would be ideal for men to learn not to rape, until that time comes, let us women who are usually the victims of rape do what we can to cover our asses

awww just had the cutest mental image of a tiny travel pillow supporting this 1 month old's neck on her journey down the aisle.

her mouth is really wide and distracting :(

I personally love the color... Would look better on her if she was black... these kinds of colors really look beautiful on WOC. #blackprivilege #couldntresist


where i'm from, this is standard. you can get anything on the regular menu any time throughout the day, but breakfast ends at 11 am.

i am in tears :') this is so funny

i'm cracking up at "highly inappropriate"

those lyrics are legitimately horrifying.

well this is my go to option when i am getting a brazilian.. i don't really love the bald eagle prepubescent look. keeping a bit on the mons makes me feel womanly, while removing on the underbits keeps it more pleasant for my lover.. bonus is that those are the less painful parts.

i can totes see why! he's a looker

this is not even the worst one...i've seen an aa ad literally showing bootyhole on the back of a bicycle or something.... i'd link it here, but i'm at work and would like to avoid the judgmental glares from my coworkers. but google if you don't believe me.

lol did you and your coworkers go on a lunch date today?

LOL no you need a comic book :'( i am crying real tears at my desk.

i'm there! thanks for the invite... particularly pleased because i already feel like i know most of the gang so it won't be too awks.

this article and your anecdote really shook me up.. particularly because i am one of those women who don't hesitate to tell some sick bastard to fuck right off ... luckily nothing like this has ever happened to me, but i also think i've (sadly) learned to pick my battles... and i'm from a place where guys will shout

i'm reading again and a fresh case of lols have emerged

lol you are totally cracking me up right now

"Come on, Scandal. Pull it together. Let's have less dumb dude love triangle and more clever women making waves, please, thank you."