
Give it a rest! The pilot gave such a great apology on SNL last saturday.

Password protection when switching users would be great! I'd love to be able to have a guest account.

Only as of the most recent patch - before then you could place infinite mines.

Pullin' a Facebook, eh? This current design is less than a year old, right?

After watching the video here, [] I see no proof that this isn't an extremely elaborate fake/model. Propaganda is a powerful thing, if that's what this is.

Cliclint? sounds dirty

And this is why Android's 15 minute refund window is a GOOD thing!

On Android, you can refund a purchase within 15 minutes of purchase. If you could do that on iOS, this would be less of an issue, as people wouldn't be forced to waste their money on a false advertised product.

As I've asked in various other places on the internet, isn't this an anti-competitive action that be taken to court? Any lawyers nearby who want to weigh in?

Not a glitch - It's a promo. Just bought 6 apps for 60 cents total.

It's a promo. Just bought 6 apps for 60 cents total.

Well, wait till GO goes open beta or releases.

In before: "omg my car company is gonna spy on me".

Theirs just uses eye tracking, while this is about replacing that with full facial muscle tracking.

Well, Intelligent Design, so these ARE gadgets

Here, take this internet. You deserve it.

Haven't tried it yet, but I noticed that there is one singular location (Home Depot) within a good distance that supports it. The detail is quite impressive.

One of my favorite things about Battlefield is how it takes more than one (depending on the player's health) knife attack to kill a player from a front - only one hit kills are back stabs. Similar to Counter-Strike.

I don't care. Just tell me when Verizon announces a launch date.