
Here is a REAL map of recent earthquakes. Not a map of monitoring centers like the one in this post.

Those aren't earthquakes on the map, just links to various monitoring centers across the US.

The North Koreans dug a tunnel. Duh.

That part got me too - I was so amazed that he wrung it out. There's no cloth in the wild. He was faced with a new material and figured out a way to get it to be used in a way he wanted. That's so fucking cool.

Now I feel stupid. I never knew Pawn Shops gave you loans, I just thought they bought your stuff!

It's expensive, and is only as fast as they are rated. IIRC, the max throughput for PowerLine at the moment is 500-600 Mbps.

No, you misunderstand. WTF is shorthand for WaTer Fight.

You have to remember that Half-Life 2 came out 7 years ago. Think about other games that came out in 2004, and compare the graphics of Half-Life 2 to those, not a game that came out yesterday.

The problem is Firefox promoting it like a major release used to be. Google simply updates Chrome in the background with no fanfare, no silly homepage saying "DOWNLOAD THE NEW VERSION OF FIREFOX YOU'RE AT RISK", 'cause you already have the latest version of Chrome, because you closed your browser.

"These Galaxies Crashed Into Each Other 450 million years ago"

Someone at the DMV obviously does not agree with the Mercator projection map.

Didja use an incognito window/private browsing? If not, Google probably customized your results. I get wikipedia, than The White Pages, then those videos on my personalized results.

Well since Battlefield 3 most likely won't be released on Steam, and MW3 will be a copycat crapfest like the CoD games are, I think this'll be a bright and shining star early next year when Steam fanboys (like me) will refuse to purchase B3 'cause it won't be on Steam and will *require* Origin.

Mhm. I was *extremely* worried people wouldn't get that.

Sixty dollars bucks?

I'm getting sick and tired of the Apple bias on this site.

The events started on 6 August 2011 following the fatal shooting of a 29 year old man, Mark Duggan, by officers of the Metropolitan Police Service.

A better comparison for Google's storage is $0.25/GB/year

Yup. Especially with Google Docs allowing 10GB files, it's an attractive option for some.
