
...I probably would have thought that was a real tiger in that photo if I wasn't told otherwise.

He was raptured. (Too soon?)

Glad I don't have any food allergies! This looks too complicated! :3

Every single player game Valve has released can do it too (as long as you have beaten the game).

Only when I can't understand the character speaking (Ala Little Jacob in GTA IV). It actually bugs me to see other people play with subtitles.


+1 for slide whistle.

Wow. They took out the TBS logo. To anyone who doesn't know, this was originally created by Conan (not necesecarially the person, but the show).

So, this is for people who want an Android Tablet with Blackberry messenger, yeah? :P

The author removed it. need to jailbreak an iPhone to do this.

I am error

I don't get it. From my split second read of, it seems ANYONE can get pictures there. Why is this so important? Was it supposed to be private?

That photo looks like something you'd see in [insert post apocalyptic video game name here].

Reminds me of this.

They should have got Pitchomat 5000!

Holy crap it's been a year?!

I came for the Portal 2 references and I was not disappointed.

I've got my good 'ol desktop that's running Windows 7...this if for my main use.

I say we go back to the days of expensive text messages!