How is this a (bi-)yearly upgrade? Both consoles came out in November of 2013. The “more powerful” Xbox won’t be out until next year. If it comes out in November, that’ll be four years. If it comes out earlier, it’ll still be 3.? years.
How is this a (bi-)yearly upgrade? Both consoles came out in November of 2013. The “more powerful” Xbox won’t be out until next year. If it comes out in November, that’ll be four years. If it comes out earlier, it’ll still be 3.? years.
Aw, that’s cute. By the time next year’s more powerful Xbox comes out, it’ll already be outdated technology. Pomp and circumstance and big announcements for something anybody can buy and throw into a PC at any time.
I don’t understand why he had to wait around for even a few minutes. The hotel should’ve taken his name and room number immediately after seeing the computer was inaccessible. Not being able to use the computer is not an excuse to not do your job. As far as I’m aware, pen and paper still exists.
Must be harsh in the “land of the free” where you’re free to live your life as you please, so long as there isn’t even a quarter of a nipple showing, lest the government will crack down on you hard.
I couldn’t get into Miasmata. I tried. I liked the “story”, but the movement was awful, it was like you were floating. You’d hold W to move forward, let go, and you’d still move a little bit before you actually stopped. It was too floaty, and ruined the experience.
That guitar squeal when you pull a lever is telling you it opened a door elsewhere in the level, that lets you seamlessly transition into an old Doom level from way back. They’re occasionally nearby the lever but most are actually a ways from it.
True. Can’t remember the last time I saw more than a few people while traveling around in WoW. ESO seems pretty lively, I always run into several people regardless of where I am.
Oh they’re definitely grindy, which is pretty much the cornerstone of every MMO.
My biggest tip: if you use a controller (I use the Steam controller), attach a tether to it, like the wrist strap on a Wiimote. That way, when you’re bound to throw the controller against the wall, it’ll bounce back to you.
Is The Division really an MMO, though? Unless you’re in a safe house (not even the main BoO), in the Dark Zone or in a group, you’ll never encounter another player.
And reasons like this are why I’ll buy the Oculus when it drops in price, but had no issue when I pre-ordered the Vive and Sony VR.
“That probably IS illegal”
Er, no? It was a term coined the opposition in 1979 during the Iranian Revolution, which is what this game is about.
So if this mentally unstable and utterly useless human being of a developer actually has a case, why are all his comments and other media deleted? Why do they no longer exist? Surely someone who actually has a case would have no need to remove evidence of such.
Part of me is sad, because I played EverQuest for years, and bought every one of its 1,000 expansions.
Yes, because changing graphics settings is such a complicated affair. I’m sure the low-to-medium PC settings are what the consoles look like anyway, so you not wanting to change them would make sense.
That letter from the Marriott is horrendous. Shouldn’t a large, multinational hotel chain, with one in a city that has a high amount of English speakers, not use Engrish?
Were they actually stopped, or just reduced? I’m curious as to the changes, because thistles were too slow to be effective without the homing, but they were needlessly overpowered in their current state.
I’d go and do better, but I know I can’t. Shame this guy wasn’t capable of recognizing his weaknesses before it got to this point.
Shocking. Completely expected from an amateur developer with little knowledge of development or how Kickstarter actually works.