
@SG-17: they're making a cowboy's vs aliens film next year, with daniel craig and harrison ford... i actually can't wait to see how it turns out.

''this, is my BOOMSTICK'' will be uttered many times by me during this.

@IcedInferno: i literally laughed so hard me sides hurt...

japanese girls..... *shudders* they give me the creeps, naked or otherwise

@Maiku_The_Otaku: i was expecting a ''son, i am disappoint'' ending...

@martinf1: no louis dies from an overdose of his only vice... his sweet sweet peelz

@martinf1: meh, 5 quid..... its not that much for a dlc... pretty reasonable really considering some god awful dlcs out there.

they better not start banning, seeing as they can probably see the vast increase in credits over a small time...

this is fucking awesome, why did i not know about this before? time to make some mango cider.

@QualityJeverage: i started it, but it was too damn difficult. I think it was because i had a cold at the time, and that it was one of those sunny but cold days that aggravate colds, but still... i suppose i still need to finish it.

@medopal: eww fuck that instant coffee crap, coffee espresso machines all the way baby

@beefmalone: oh i see, is he a qualified dentist?

headphone jack in the side? sayy whaaaat

@Michael Dukakis: the track itself doesnt look that inspired, Yeti still want to download it...

so how many beaver pelts and red sage do i need to make the glue for this?

theres nothing like having a shelf full of films... i have tonnes of blu rays, it just wouldn't be the same flicking through a list