Same, moved from OR where school started after Labor Day to CA where it started mid-August. Pretty much only had July for summer vacation that year :(
Same, moved from OR where school started after Labor Day to CA where it started mid-August. Pretty much only had July for summer vacation that year :(
Right? We got a free bag of red onions due to a grocery delivery mix-up back in June. The bag says says it’s from “Hartley’s Produce” in Washington State, but the FDA bulletin mentions “Hartley’s Best” as one of the affected brands, soooooo...I guess no raw onions in our guacamole now, just to be safe.
I would follow the latest guidance (August 1st), which states there’s recall on all onions from Thomson International. Actually, on the July 31st bulletin, they do advise the following in the message body:
Could be that these seeds were the the most cost-effective “off-the-shelf” solution for whomever was running the scam (i.e. they came pre-packaged). CNN mentions that at least some of the packages were labeled as jewelry, in which case, seeds feel fairly similar to something like beads.
Not familiar with the nuances of how verified purchases work on Amazon, but my guess is that seeds are cheap and light, and therefore cost effective to ship en masse.
Oddly enough, the beeping is actually limited to the interior— at least that’s how it works in my 2017 Prime. It’s loud enough that maybe someone standing close by could hear its muffled squawks, though.
We’ve had pretty good results with baby back ribs. A rack of ribs take about an hour (6 qt pot, 1 cup of water, 35 minute cook, natural release for ~25 minutes or until the pin drops). I haven’t tried a pork shoulder in awhile, but the last time it took about 1.5 hours total for 4 pounds of country style ribs (1c…
We’ve had pretty good results with baby back ribs. A rack of ribs take about an hour (6 qt pot, 1 cup of water, 35…
This is our go-to method for baby back ribs for the past couple of years, though we do it in a regular Instant Pot followed by quick broil in the oven.
This is our go-to method for baby back ribs for the past couple of years, though we do it in a regular Instant Pot…
Underdesk headphone hook.
I’m down with this. BfA was probably their last shot at trying to re-ignite the Horde vs Alliance grudge, but between War Mode being a bust and the storyline veering into “Sylvanas is so crazy, not even the Horde wants to follow her” territory. And, much like all the expansions before it, the raid content eventually…
Like along the cheeks and the back of the head? Yep.
Right? It’s even funnier because virtually every other culture (even the revered French!) is okay with— perhaps even preferring—whole fish.
What I find incredibly absurd, however, is the number of meat-eaters who expressed horror and disgust when confronted with the head of a dead animal. If you do not like that your food had a face at one point, you probably should not eat things with faces.
Besides gender, what other purely cosmetic customization options does Blizzard still charge real money for? Racial abilities still have some significant gameplay impact.
Oh, I’m just saying that that’s probably the marketing position they would take if anyone asked what good unmarked police cars do. Whether or not they came up with it before or after they implemented the policy is anyone’s guess.
Starred you because I’ve never understood unmarked police cars used for traffic stops.
One day someone will develop a mask that’s so comfortable and effective that you won’t even be able to tell that you’re wearing it.
And profit? Take 1-2% on orders, charge a reasonable monthly fee, or just sell them the software license and let them pay for hosting it on their own.
Gym people are fucking nuts, and I absolutely do not trust them to stay home if they have symptoms.