
Yeah, that’s pretty uncommon and really confusing— especially in the US.

Whoever named the Triple Crown winner American Pharoah thought the same thing. Ironically, his name is spelled uh, incorrectly (?) as “American Pharaoh” on his winner’s blanket.

Most often than not, those people don’t even get to where they’re going any faster, and are just causing more traffic on the whole. One of the few things that brings me joy while stuck in traffic it is to handily pass by drivers that spent the past 10 minutes trying to weave their way through the “fastest” lane.

Common to back into a parking spot, or to steal one? I’ve only seen the latter happen in a Costco parking lot on a Saturday morning, but only rarely.

not using zipper merge...

There is likely far more information that what is presented here but there is no issue with having an independent contractor working for you at a price the hiring agency sets and both parties agree upon.

Oh man, I didn’t even realize you were the author in the linked post. In that case: shaaaaame.

Naw, whoever made the original map should have embedded it then. Or whoever originally re-posted it shouldn’t have cropped it off into a separate panel.

Right — at least for the Volt, which (IIRC) is really just a generator with all propulsion coming from electric motors.

I think the story is similar with the Honda Clarity PHEV. The range is long enough that the ICE hardly ever kicks in on regular commutes with daily charging, so the car will actually just spontaneously run the ICE every 3 months or so for a few months just to give it some exercise or something. The Honda MM still

The map really needs the legend attached with it. For those too lazy to click through: blue is more savings.

If you’re feeling particularly daring, you could throw a persimmon into the mix.

You’d think if sleeping on your back was so detrimental to reproductive success, it would have the entered the realm of common sense. Like not drinking orange juice while eating crab.

It’s the same place as the Prius Prime, and Toyota seems to have no problems selling those.

For some reason, even sitting in high heels gets to be a pain if the chairs are at a height where I’d normally put my feet flat on the floor. I end up having to do the dainty side-saddle sit or constantly switching my crossed legs to give one foot a break from being propped up

1.5" or lower still works for me. Block or platform only. Anything higher or skinnier and you can get that shit outta my face.

I thought the Audi implementation would be similar to the Honda e (which I think is pretty snazzy), but looking at photos ...yeah. Just leave it as a mirror if it’s going to stick 7 inches out from the side of the car.

Frankly, the fact that she didn’t hear or feel the damage says a lot about Lexus’s noise and vibration dampening... or about how much she shouldn’t be driving at this point in her life.

Plus they could call up the IRS to discuss a payment plan. It’s not like they absolutely had to cut a $6000 check to Uncle Sam that year.

In my experience, meal planning can be made easier if you have a well-stocked spice rack of favorite seasonings that can just be thrown on top of basic ingredients. Our staples are generally things like toasted sesame oil, soy sauce, garlic powder, or a pre-mixed poultry rub.