
Firewire was designed for data transfer. When the first iPod came out USB1 was the only USB available - which is terrible for data transfer.

Yeah but the problem with the moto Z is that non of the mods make sense to physically attach to the phone. The speak, the projector, etc all are devices that could stand alone and be fine. I don’t get the need to have them attached, in fact, it makes them less useful IMHO.

I think you didn’t read the article fully... There never really was a rape joke (don’t trust headlines). One guy quoted a popular song/meme (the quote itself contained no references to rape) and that song/meme mentioned rape elsewhere (again not the section he quoted, or what he was using it for).

Except it wasn’t a rape joke? is nothing. She’s made a mountain out of a molehill. Hell, I’ve had worse banter than this with the females in my office, and THEY started it. No, this is someone being super touchy and looking for an excuse. The guy apologized, and she still went off on a tirade. I’m not defending apple, or their employees,

If mention of a meme that everyone knows triggers you to have a month of probably aren’t ready to be in public. I dont mean that in a disparaging way. I mean that in a literal sense. She seems like she maybe needs more time.

Do we know whether there are other incidents that led to her reaction?

Did you watch the video? It’s not making fun of rape or encouraging it, it’s about hunting down and catching a rapist and getting justice.

But, would you blame someone and require work discipline for triggering you if it had happened at work? I don’t have PTSD, but I have been sexually assaulted and I have depression and anxiety. If someone at work mildly critiqued me and triggered a depressive episode, I wouldn’t expect them to be fired. It is quite

I go to the VA and tell amputees stories about this woman that make them thankful they only fought in combat and lost their limbs

Yeah, the guy was referring to a security alert making him think of a song about someone breaking into houses. It isn’t even so much joke as a “wtf brain” moment. And the coworker thought it was funny.

You know, in that case she probably isn’t fit to be in society. We have injured war vets and other people that go on disability. She probably should live out her days at home and away from anything that might mention they work, especially the Internet, TV, news, radio, people casually talking about the news, etc.

Thing is, I just heard the song for the first time and it isnt even advocating rape! Its about people in the community catching the rapist.

Her PTSD does not give her cart blanche to demand people get fired.

I absolutely agree. If this was a case of her male coworkers being offensive and not stopping once she asked, then maybe I could see her point. But as soon as she made her (silly) discomfort known, the joke ended and her coworkers apologized. She then kept going on and on about the topic after it was over. And then

Even if she was triggered. the guy apologized and has not repeated the behavior. what else was she expecting ot happen.

People like her are the worst. I lose respect for anyone using “safe space” and “triggered” in a serious sentence. I work with idiots like these guys who say stupid shit in front of people who may not be ok with stupid shit. That’s the thing though, they’re just idiots saying stupid shit. Safe space culture is just

I feel no pity for this woman. Not once in the chat log was there anything alluding to rape, just the song. The rape portion of the song wasn’t even what they were joking about. The guy apologized MULTIPLE times, and yet she still felt the need to email Tim Cook (who by the way won’t read this petty crap anyways

...i don’t understand why everyone is so pissed. leave the dongle attached to your headphone cord. Do you regularly lose your headphone cable? No? Then no problem.

Also, Android literally came out before iOS.