I made sure to grab a stack of those stickers so I could go on Facebook and say that I had been voting for Hillary Clinton ALL DAY LONG. I got to see conservative arteries slam shut in real-time for twenty minutes before I ‘fessed up.
I made sure to grab a stack of those stickers so I could go on Facebook and say that I had been voting for Hillary Clinton ALL DAY LONG. I got to see conservative arteries slam shut in real-time for twenty minutes before I ‘fessed up.
Chemtrails are a standby for small but rabid section of the audience. They will always have fans but we need fresh meat like Hillary’s body doubles and Spirit Dinners.
Chemtrails are so last week. Current conspiracy buzz is that John Podesta kidnapped Madeleine McCann. Chemtrailers are like the embarrassing old uncle that just won’t give up on fluoridated water.
I try to channel my homosexual marriage powers into arts and crafts lest another hurricane visit Texas.
“For some reason, people think if a woman wants to do a job traditionally only men were allowed to do”...
Chris Christie is usually Trump’s power bottom in the slash I’ve read, proving that someone somewhere in the GOP has a humor bone. You would think people would write up a good grudge-fuck with Ted Cruz but I haven’t found it.
Huma/Hillary love trysts are years old conspiracy news. Hillary’s predilection for pre-pubescent girls pimped to her by Jeff Epstein are the current it story. You know young children were killed to keep this secret. That’s what was discovered by the NYPD on Tony Weiner’s laptop.
I believe the melody you describe was first used in “Greensleeves”. It’s a traditional English melody that originally wandered over from Italy.
The inability to dedicate spies to sensitive districts is objectionable. They need to be there for more than two turns.
What doesn’t kill you makes you stranger.
I would sooner waltz naked through the fires of hell than let that droid near my penis.