
friggin classic. 10 internet points for you, sir

haha, i just posted the same thing!

it still confuses me why people put their phones in their back pocket. Also, pretty sure that wouldn't have happened if the jeans were washed once before wearing them.

How is it that America can get on THIS bandwagon, yet it's quite alright for cigarette companies to keep on trolling on? Cigarettes KILL people. #WTFUSA

Haha. I guess your right. This one always seemed like a no brainer to me.

I agree with all the other people giving sarcastic answers. If used properly, one normally cuts away the excess tie and usually makes it unusable a second time. You can't get the proper leverage to pull it tight again.

Also, that is one pointy nose. Reminds me of Despicable Me.

Agreed. :( Made me want to leave work and hug my 5 month old.

i literally got a headache thinking about how to solve those.

lol, really? i was actually thinking this would be a sweet trail for my little 150cc motorcycle.

no thanks

Thank you kind sir. I haven't gotten a promotion in a while. I needed that before the holidays.

"+1" & "like" for your comment good sir...

Didn't his mother teach him not to attend ANY event that had Oakland in the name?

The pre-made movie on the ipad is a pretty cool illusion. that and crappy timing. SPPPPOOOOOOKKKKKYY!!!!!!!

I like how the guy couldn't figure out how to start recording video on the nokia (via the link)

It's amazing that every single hack on the PSN gets the attention of the press, yet this kind of crap happens on XBox Live and everyone just shrugs it off.

This is all well and good until Sprints network is crippled by all the plank walkers of AT&T. I foresee Sprint's "unlimited" everything plan going away after a couple of months when they realize they opened pandora's box.

lol @ 1.58.