
@Lou Steinkamp: They're all Puma concolor, though finer taxonomy than that is kind of up in the air. The Florida panther lives in Florida's wetlands, which is possibly the only thing that distinguishes it from pumas/cougars/mountain lions/catamounts.

This asteroid field is too dense for the computer to fly it. Better let the tired, stressed, slowly-reacting, two-handed, two-eyed human take manual control.

@CollectHer: "Near instant"? I have sat in the drive-through of JITB for 30 minutes with just 3 cars in front of me.

How about all of TRON? I mean, it was wicked cool and yet terribly, terribly stupid at the same time. (And I can't wait for the sequel.)

@Mecharine: Good thing they weren't test firing PPCs. Or, um, flamers.

"Video not available"

This worked very well for us too, a couple of weeks ago.

Not quite as big as the SGI Origin ([] but I have no doubt it could smoke that thing. My former company had, I was told, the first SGI Origin 2000 system that was sold to anyone other than the Navy. It got replaced by some boring Dell servers after a few years, which could now probably be replaced by

@Nethlem: Makes as much sense as getting healed from 99% dead (whatever that means) by stepping on whole roast chickens, or with a plastic box full of bandages and antiseptic, or shooting up painkillers or antibiotics or whatever is in those magic syringes...

The first several tries, I got a bunch of pop songs I have never heard before. Not powerful enough for the industrial-strength earworms I am infected with. It needs to be loaded up with a lot more themes from 80s TV shows and console games and They Might Be Giants.

I actually would prefer people I don't know well not to use my name, or interject it into random sentences.

This is not new technology, it's just not the cheapest plastic to manufacture (at least until the balance shifts). The first plastics were called "artificial horn" and were made from plants.

@Bernard McGraw: We know how it ends, but that still has some potential.

@theviper: The idea of Gordon Freeman actually talking, though, is kind of weird.

You can't blow across cans like a musical instrument that you tune by drinking beer. Take that, cans.

Or maybe it's that the Android Marketplace was open for several months before paid apps were possible.