
Gina: you rock.

A coworker's computer speakers manage to pick up CB radio traffic from the highway a couple blocks from the office. It's pretty startling when it happens. :)

I just picked up an iZip 650 electric scooter. Not "cool" per se, but not as dorky as a Segway, costs 1/10 the price, slightly faster (15MPH feels pretty fast on 5" wheels when you feel every tiny bump), takes up less storage space, works well on sidewalks, and there's some physicality in riding it (more than the

I like the compressed air blast. Sounds like comedy gold, which is the pyro's real specialty. :)

Two things happened to me today:

Your favorite browser sucks.

I'm looking into getting an electric scooter for commuting. It looks like about $350 for an IZip 650 (which from what I gather online is on the potentially good quality side of the low end, though I've found no reviews yet of that specific model).

For the more esoteric and adventurous, there's [] and lots of helpful YouTube videos.

Widescreen LCD monitor and new video card for me. Clothes spree for my wife. Paying some debt. Saving some.

I just got a widescreen monitor. I played a little TF2 on it in 1024x768 windowed mode, because I still had a sad 7300 in there, which got about 1.5 fps in 1680x1050.

We have somebody here, a young guy, who likes to pull all-nighters. It's not unusual to see code checkins from him at 7 AM... buggy, broken code. Then he misses meetings, and takes 5 times longer to get anything done than I ever do.

I'm not sure what all the love for Consolas is among developers. I can't stand it myself.

TF2, whenever I get pwned by snipers 47 times in a row. I suck as a sniper, so the only way I can deal with them is as a spy... and I suck as a spy, so I usually kill that one sniper and then get beaten to death by a blindfolded engineer.

@PReDiToR: I installed Linux once. I didn't like it. I'm still using Windows.

@CallTechSupport: I was going to say the same thing. It's a handy temporary placemarker.

Mead Five-Star Fat Lil' Zipper Planner with the guts removed, replaced with a normal Mead Fat Lil' Notebook because I hate planners.

Ebooks are still just a gimmick, as far as I'm concerned. They have a barrier to entry and don't feel as good as a book.

I built my first couple of PCs. But ever since then, I find I tend to save money and hassle going with with a cheap retailer (Acer, Dell, Gateway, etc.) and upgrading RAM and video card.