
He and Blake can bond during PT! call themselves “Hob City”!

“Rose gets Clipperier and Clipperier with every passing hour.”

Fucking. Nuclear. Take.

Considering it’s the middle of the afternoon from where you’re typing this, you can’t be so drunk that you actually think you’re clever.

This fucking dipshit is an approved commenter, and I’m not.


Or crack to Rob For...

This retaliatory travel ban by the Cubans is much more entertaining I think.

Newsflash to the people of and around New York:

Not only that, but he’s kinda all they really have at this point and the other supporting assets they’ve surrounded him with aren’t really stepping up. Dude basically tied the entire team to the end of his bindle stick and dragged it to the finals this year. That shit gets old quick.

This is one of the worst weeks of my life. Someone hit my car and fucked up the driver-side passenger door and didn’t leave a note, I got dumped via email and now this.

Considering that he’s a Grade A douchebag....Hope the train makes a full recovery

Hey, at least they didn’t give up the promising young defenceman to get Scott Gomez this time, or give up the promising young defenceman because French media are racist, or...

Obviously they won’t go. No one in the NBA supports a travel ban.

Hey man, respect the office.

CTE mood swings

He should be suspended for the rest of the playoffs for that water bottle incident. Maybe even half of next season.

Couldn’t you just use the header as a placeholder and post a link here everytime he writes a new article

All the cold days in hell when the Cubs won.

Premier League Managers On Ranieri’s Sacking: