Cranky Messiah

This is such an amazingly stupid comment. You... you dont think that many people play the highest-selling video game franchise on the biggest-selling console? And you’re not sure what advantage it would give MS if they made the highest-selling game franchise a MS exclusive? And your argument is “my few friends play it

Are you extremely disingenuous, or just extremely fucking stupid?

Jesus... it was a tv show, my guy. I think you take it a bit too seriously and give it far too much thought.

By "over the top," I assume you mean "aggressively unfunny, unoriginal, stupid, and appealing only to the absolute dumbest of dumbasses?"

Yes, let’s publish an article about Kanye, whose entire point is that nobody should talk about or pay attention to Kanye. You are literqlly doing what you're telling everyone to stop doing. Are you completely lacking in self-awareness, or just too dumb to recognize the hypocrisy?

Ssometimes I read a comment that is so aggressively stupid that it renders me speechless. This... this is one of those comments. Are you being extremely disingenuous, or are you actually just this dumb?

Thanks for stopping by to let everyone know that you've completely missed the entire point, somehow fail to even remotely understand the issue, and just seem generally unintelligent.

Lliterally nobody gives a shit about John Connor, except for the misogynistic dipshits who used that excuse as a stand-in for their actual issue, which was that it had multiple female leads 

Yes, because people watch the Terminator movies for John freaking Connor...

See: the aggressively stupid comment above from chest_rockwell, who was kind enough to speak for the mouthbreathers in this comment section.

Yes, because people watch the Terminator movies for John fucking Connor. Super insightful take, definitely not some dumb misogynistic bullshit nonsense...

Jesus christ....

“Everyone knows who he is but he shouldnt be considered famous” is a super intelligent take. Does... does someone need to explain the definition of “famous?"

Yet when Ow2 switched from loot boxes to this same type of reward system, Kotaku spent over a month complaining about how terrible it was. When Brawl Stars does the exact same thing, suddenly it's great and they find it odd that anybody could disagree and dislike the change to the new system.

How exactly did they fuck it up? I find it telling that when OW2 switched to this same system, Kotaku spent a month bitching about how terrible and greedy and somehow unfair it is. yet when Brawl Stars makes the exact same switch to the same type of system, Kotaku says that it’s “odd” that anybody could or would

Exhibit no. 372 that Kotaku’s Overwatch 2 coverage was disingenuous clickbait-y bulls**t:

S... this is an article, huh? a whole article about a non-answer to a single question on an irrelevant talk show.

Or, you know... thebpmot of the original Caotaib America comics from many decades before that.

Is this your first day on the internet, or are you just humorless and incredibly bad at recognizing an obvious joke?

Rich Juzwiak continues to be an awful hack, I see.