Yes, brilliant idea. Because i’m sure that his many young and easily influenced followers and fans won’t take any of his hate speech seriously or internalize it or anything...
Yes, brilliant idea. Because i’m sure that his many young and easily influenced followers and fans won’t take any of his hate speech seriously or internalize it or anything...
Cue that one dipshit who shows up on every Kanye article published on Gawker to say that anyone criticizing Kanye for his actions is an evil ableist piece of scum and that every single thing he says and does is excused and beyond reproach because he has mental issues...
“I’m going to give my opinion on this, then tell everybody else not to post their opinions because there is no point in doing so.”
No. It’s nowhere near as bad as Kotaku is desperately straining to make it sound with their daily clickbait anti-Overwatch articles.
Gwe, it's almost like every new character in the history of the game has launched with very limited skins, emotes, etc, and the get rounded out over time...
What are you even talking about? In what world does having the Battle Pass for 9 weeks equal out to 5 lot boxes? There are like 80 Battle Pass levels. Call me crazy, but i dont recall loot boxes including 16 items each. Stop bitching about moronic bullshit. This comment section is pathetic.
Jesus christ, this is so dumb. New maps, characters, and mechanics, changing the entire base gameplay by removing a tank, etc etc. A bun h if upgrades and tweaks. You know, kind of like every other sequel, though weirdly people dont bitch and make this same dumb comment when another Street fighter comes out, or…
What exactly were they "trying to do" that was bad? Enlighten me.
In what way? What bad impact? I mean in the real world where this game has had very minor issues that are less egregious than most other games at launch, not the fantastic clickbait Kotaku world where they try to spin a negative article out of every tiny blip and blow the issues entirely out of proportion to get…
The issues are nowhere near as bad or egregious as Kotaku would have you believe. They clearly realized that they could get clicks by posting anti-Overwatch articles literally every single day. I've been having a blast. Aside from an hour where a few if my characters were locked, I have had zero issues.
Your strange vendetta against this game (ie, your desparate attempt to get clicks by hating on it at every opportunity) is getting to be a bit bizarre at this point.
Wow, thanks for this amazingly insightful comment. Thank goodness you took the time to stop by and let everyone know that your tastes change and you dont care about the game in question. Definitely something we were all dying to know.
Then you’re doing something wrong. I love when the other team has her as a tank. She is incredibly easy to deal with.
Lol....wut? That sounds like a you issue, not a game issue. I certainly havent had those issues at all.
And those people got Overwatch 2 for free with all of their unlocks included, dipshit. But yes, how dare they give people who paid for the first game the second game for free!!!!
Lol....wut? I've had no issues. They already changed the po hone requirements. The bitchubg about skins is amazingly asinine. First of all, they are just cosmetic. Second, you earn coins by playing. Third, they also rotate through the shop. It's literally no different than the way every other MOBA handles skins. Oh…
“I bet we’ll get a bunch of clicks if we just launch some kind of ifiotic vendetta against Overwatch 2, publish a negative article about it every single day, and blow every tiny issue with it grossly out of proportion!"
I knew someone would mention this. Over the years, it has veered from being a somewhat underrated little curiosity to massively overrated.
How is that even possible? How old are you?
Jesus, what an amazingly stupid, lazy, thoughtless, cliched bullshit take on this. You seem completely insufferable.