Your strange vendetta against this game (ie, your desparate attempt to get clicks by hating on it at every opportunity) is getting to be a bit bizarre at this point.
Your strange vendetta against this game (ie, your desparate attempt to get clicks by hating on it at every opportunity) is getting to be a bit bizarre at this point.
Wow, thanks for this amazingly insightful comment. Thank goodness you took the time to stop by and let everyone know that your tastes change and you dont care about the game in question. Definitely something we were all dying to know.
Then you’re doing something wrong. I love when the other team has her as a tank. She is incredibly easy to deal with.
Lol....wut? That sounds like a you issue, not a game issue. I certainly havent had those issues at all.
And those people got Overwatch 2 for free with all of their unlocks included, dipshit. But yes, how dare they give people who paid for the first game the second game for free!!!!
Lol....wut? I've had no issues. They already changed the po hone requirements. The bitchubg about skins is amazingly asinine. First of all, they are just cosmetic. Second, you earn coins by playing. Third, they also rotate through the shop. It's literally no different than the way every other MOBA handles skins. Oh…
“I bet we’ll get a bunch of clicks if we just launch some kind of ifiotic vendetta against Overwatch 2, publish a negative article about it every single day, and blow every tiny issue with it grossly out of proportion!"
Rrepeatedly citing the Dunning-Kruger effect doesnt make your argument any less stupid and disingenuous, nor does it make you some type of expert. Many if us live with people who have mental illness, or have it ourselves. I would wager that none of those people suddenly became anti-Semites and started actively…
You cant possibly be fu king serious with this aggressively stupid bullshit. He’s literally and actively spreading anti-Semitism to his legion of followers. Fuck off with the bullshit excuses
I knew someone would mention this. Over the years, it has veered from being a somewhat underrated little curiosity to massively overrated.
How is that even possible? How old are you?
Jesus, what an amazingly stupid, lazy, thoughtless, cliched bullshit take on this. You seem completely insufferable.
He literally never screams at all in the trailers, but go ahead and make up some more extremely stupid bullshit I guess...
Lol... all his lines. He has two very short lines, and sounds the same in each. If he spoke with the cartoonishly exaggerated accent of the game, it would become very obnoxious very quickly. But by all means, keep arguing this nonsensical Hot Take and I’m sure the Kotaku staff will be your friend. It will be totally…
I realize that you’re incredibly stupid and willfully ignorant... but there is no way that you’re actually too fucking stupid to understand the extreme and glaring differences between this and review bombing, which aren’t even remotely similar in any way whatsoever. Do you really need someone to explain to you, very sl…
I you paid for Overwatch, then you get OW2 for free, moron. Nothing is gone; it has been updated.
Strange, where is MortalDictata? He had oh so very much to say about how Carlson was making this up because he was a sore loser. Dozens of comments on every article about it. But strangely, as soon as Carlson's accusations were proven correct, Mortal seems to have vanished from the comments. Strange how that works!
This is such a dumb take. Yes, since you personally dont know them, clearly they are irrelevant and their followers must be fake. Nevermind the fact that they routinely get many milliona of views, have been on YouTube for ages, and also have huge followings on social media. Since you personally arent a fan, it’s…
Im so sick of these aggressively stupid and narcissistic comments. They have 8 million subscribers. It says that in the article you’re commenting upon. But sure... “derp derp, they have 8 million subscribers but I personally dont know of them so therefore theyre irrelevant and nobody cares” is a super intelligent and…
Im not sure what resurrecting the late 90s has to do with their content in any way, shape, or form, but... okay? What, did you choose one random video and it happened to be about the 90's, so you did what any intelligent person would clearly do and make the obviously intelligent and well-reasoned assumption that ALL…