Umm... it is in no way a remake of Silent Night Deadly Night. You think a movie about a pre-apocalypse christmas movie is a remake of a slasher movie about a killer Santa Clause?
Umm... it is in no way a remake of Silent Night Deadly Night. You think a movie about a pre-apocalypse christmas movie is a remake of a slasher movie about a killer Santa Clause?
Jesus christ, did you have a stroke while writing this? Do you maybe want to try writing this comment again in actual legible and cohesive English? Maybe even try some punctuation?
This has to be the single most pitiful, pathetic, and idiotic article in the history of Kotaku. It’s a goddamn embarrassment. Rare that you actually get to watch a website lose all of its dignity in real time...
How are you this goddamn terrible at reading comprehension? There are multiple paragraphs explicitly detailing the fact that her mom has had 10 meetings trying, unsuccessfully, to get her into special ed class, and that she wishes they would classify her correctly as special ed.
This show sounds like the biggest waste of time ever. It sounds incredibly uninteresting..i cannot fathom why anyone would waste time watching pointless shit like this. Get a hobby, or better taste.
“His opinion is different than mine, therefore he must be trying to be an edgelord!”
It really shouldn’t be hard to figurw out.
I feel like you havent actually played NMS in years if that is your impression.
Hey guys, i found the sucker!
I cant iverstate how tiresome, obnoxious, and pathetic it is that you are spending so much time and energy not only defending a broken product from a huge corporation, but also basicallt tellinf all of the many people having jssues that they are wrong and dumb and it must be their fault.
“But without quantitarive data”
“It works fine for me personally, therefore there must not actually be any problems” is the logic of a moron.
Literally nobody cares whether you respect them. In fact, most people probably dont respect someone who is self-important enough to take time posting dipshit opinions like this one.
I cannot overstate how obnoxious the "your body is declining in your mid-30's" nonsense is. You are in for a very rude awakening if you think your decline has already begun...
Sometimes actually reading an article before commenting is a good idea.
The fact that youre too fucking stupid to understand the ebtire point of the article, doesnt make everyone who IS capable of understanding logic, nuance, and causal relations is somehow a pedophile. It just means that they arent embarrassingly stupid like you are. Im not sure how the logic of “treating these people…
How are you this fucking dense?
“The first person isnt really first person!”
This isnthe most bullshit headline. Let’s maybe have headlines that acrually have some relation to the contents of the article?