Cranky Victrola

How is it that people like you still come around week after week after week?

Phil Coulson, Agent of SASS!

He’s the best

Here’s Phil Coulson, reading the shit out of the Superior.

“Think Idris Elba.”

I’d rather see him and Channing Tatum do a comedy together, preferably a bromance

I laughed so hard my stomach is Thor.

It has been pretty solid. I could always use more Koenigs, and the stability with FitzSimmons and connection between Coulson and May have been very refreshing.

I turned Summer 2015 into a painting:

Pretty soon :) Just needed a little breather!

Yep. Fitz may be missing out on a proper father figure, but he’s got a pretty decent big brother in Mac. (Yes, I know Mac has a real brother, but you can adopt more if you want.)

I’m just happy that we finally got to see Mack and Fitz interact again.