Cranky Victrola

NCIS... NCI fucking S. Why the fuck do I watch this show?!

But all this is is media opportunism and people buying into it. Just like when you get a shark attack and now suddenly we get “why are shark attacks up?” when they aren’t. Or when church burnings were up in the Clinton years, when in fact they weren’t. Or that violent crime or child kidnappings were up when in fact

hi! i have the same issue but I found out about earwax cleaning kits. You put some drops of something really bubbly into your ear, lay down for 5 minutes, then you rinse your ear in a sink with a syringe. It’s pretty gross how well it works but also extremely nice to be able to hear afterwards. Maybe a little safer!

So it seems that io9 doesn’t care about books anymore because this list makes me excited for none of these books.

To be fair, Fusco is one of the greatest, most well-rounded characters developed on television. He was a fat cop that WASN’T a fat cop stereotype. He was smart within his sphere of knowledge, and he was actually EFFECTIVE. He could handle his own in a fist fight, or a fire fight. He didn’t need the Machine or Reese to

Oh, it’s definitely not always a bad thing. Look at Root on Person of Interest. She didn’t change really... she stopped indiscriminately killing people for money, but her opinions about the Machine were still the same. She went from an ominous unseen monster to being one of the biggest heroes on the show.

True. The only one I can think of that felt like a conversation between two ‘original’ Inhumans.

Lincoln and Hive accepting their fate on Agents of SHIELD. It’s a pretty remarkable moment having the hero and the villain share a small moment before the end.

Note: I know very, very little about Groot beyond what has been shown in the movies.

Where the hell is The Machine and John saying goodbye to Finch?!?! Or The Machine 2.0 getting back in the saddle with Shaw?!

I’d like to see io9 spunoff from Gizmodo.

Tonight’s plans.