
I appreciate when employees help me, but I don’t need 14 different workers asking me how am I doing. I know there’s mystery shops (which offer nothing of value), but jeez. The problem is certain customers love the attention. “Oh they’re so nice at _____” even though it’s all forced from top to bottom.

*crosses fingers*

It’ll be really hard to outdo their fabulous graphics at the DNC, when the entire Jumbotron appeared to shatter & rain a million pieces of glass down through all the other smaller screens and the stage. That was SO much awesome! (It’s no wonder Trump was jealous of the DNC, because she out-WWE’d him.)


Yes. It’s President Clinton, you puss filled anal fissure. I imagine she will be doing something like this, somewhere, late on November 8th.

We are so grateful in the UK that you knocked Brexit to the “And finally...” section of the 2016 history books.

“America: Singlehandedly Making Brexit Look Not So Bad On The ‘Fucking Disaster’ Scale”

I like the school newspaper idea. She probably took the opportunity to study abroad in Germany (sensible language, good job prospects) and when she got back, added a political science major to her journalism degree. After working as a junior reporter for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, she sees an advertisement in the

Yes, because Barb is all of us. And we are glad that she is alive and having a good, albeit spooked, life. Barb is the chubby, sensible highschooler in all of us, who did our homework, followed the rules, treated others with respect. The overachiever who didn’t get invited to the cool kids parties. The nerdy girl who

Not sure why these didn’t catch on:

You’re asking them to care about something more than once every four years? To build a party from the ground up by getting third party people elected at local and state levels before trying to go federal. That’s an awful lot of commitment you’re asking for from people who probably played Pokemon Go for like 2 weeks

Agreed. Dan Savage actually has a pretty good take on third party candidates. They need to actually do stuff, and they need to start small. If you want the presidency one day, start with your local dog-catcher and utilities and school boards and work your way up, but you CAN NOT just start with running for

I’m 100% in support of this. Plus, if HRC is elected, there technically will be no First Lady, so why not just keep her in that role until a replacement is named?

Alright, I don’t love monarchies, but I say we turn the First Lady position into one and let Michelle have it until she wants to hand it over to Sasha or Malia.

a) keep doin’ you

I’d actually have less of a problem with it if it came from Victoria Secret. By Weight Watchers involvement it implies that it’s a fat lady problem when in reality it’s an everyone problem

As a fat woman who gets plenty of the sex with plenty different types of people, many of whom look in a way that even thin folks consider “holy shit hot” territory, let me assure you— feeling insecure about how you look in the sack has nothing to do with weight and everything to do with patriarchally enforced

I’m voting by mail.

Was anybody else disappointed when Teddy’s backstory wasn’t “has a degree in ethnomusicology from Wesleyan, is a receptionist at a dentist’s office, married the writer of a TV sketch comedy”

“I think the Man in Black is actually Arnold”