Yeah, there’s nothing quite like the warm, fulfilling, life-affirming attention that being called a liar, a gold-digger, an attention-seeker, and a whore brings. Get outta here.
Yeah, there’s nothing quite like the warm, fulfilling, life-affirming attention that being called a liar, a gold-digger, an attention-seeker, and a whore brings. Get outta here.
I won’t give you shit, but let’s break it down:
so you’ve moved to “what if women are sociopaths? have you thought about that, huh? i’m just saying, if women were sociopaths that would be really bad.”
True story- where I live there was highly publicized security cam footage of a police officer beating the crap out if his ex in a bar. Big police man, little tiny woman. The explanation was that video was not “sufficient” evidence and that the two were “wrestling”. In a bar.
I definitely get the impression that she’s not a great person. Neither is he. That’s why they married each other. That doesn’t mean she’s making it up.
A strongly worded response in a comments section isn’t the same as abusing a loved one. The elaborately-worded version of “go fuck yourself” was not a literal suggestion that you literally deserve to be raped with an object. You know that.
I think Stanhope said he was there earlier in the evening—as if that has anything to do with anything.
Damn, climb off the cross, whiner.
It’s just un-fucking believable, all of this.
Not quite. Stanhope alleges that Depp TOLD him Heard threatened Depp if he didn’t agree to her terms.
johnny was sober when he was with vanessa. he’s been on a binge for the last few years. it’s very, very possible a sober johnny was not violent or even agressive with her.
Oh no, you’re the victim! Poor you! Don’t say things like “maybe she pushed him into it,” that reinforces the narrative that women are responsible for their own abuse. that’s not okay.
what you said is:
But... those weren’t the only two scenarios you posed. You said maybe she MADE HIM hit her. Around here, that kind of victim-blaming makes you lose all credibility.
This is the strange part. She’s a very young woman who probably grew up idolising johnny Depp and his work like everyone else in their 20s/30s. She knows how well loved he is among his very loyal fans (including friends of mine) so it seems extraordinary that she would lie about this. I just watched his interview on…
Yes, and how do we know Depp didn’t work to alienate her from anyone in his camp that might intervene? Isolation is like, the most basic of abuser tactics. Here’s some details I think are interesting. Directly before the alleged Iphone incident, Doug Stanhope said he talked in to him and his girlfriend in detail about…
A regular Jezebel.
It’s telling how the woman in her mid-20ies is a homewrecker, while the poor, naive man twice her age and life experience was just an easy mark to exploit and blackmail.
And there’s almost never a payout because men know they can get away with it. Like, where is that sweet rape/DV money I keep hearing about?