
'laying pipe' just makes me think of 'laying cable', which is a british euphemism for having a large, unbroken shit

at first i thought it might be some kind of crafting using pipe-cleaners; then when it became clear it was a sex thing i thought it might be some kind of awful variant on space-docking (peen-in-other's-foreskin) involving a woman's urethra

now now

i have no idea what point you're trying to make at this stage

i'm not sure what that example is supposed to illustrate.


but those aren't the same circumstances. and i take it from your dodging of the hypothetical where the physical roles are reversed that you understand entirely what the difference is.

you don't understand differences in physical strength?

in that case, he wouldn't require the same force to stop her

now THAT looks like a fun baby


The same actors involved just the roles are reversed.

much like in real life, it can seem like you're overdoing it if you react to every instance of sexism because it's so non-stop

Beardy Boss (I don't pay attention to characters' names, much)

under the same context and circumstances

my favourite was the "for fuck's sake!" right before she hit him

i'm more unnerved by finding something seth rogen said funny

jesus fucking christ

yes, i thought it was pretty obvious she was saying white people overdo it, not 'ethnics, ewww'