
my point is that you cited bits of the story as if she had contradicted herself but she didn't

obviously she's a fucking awful person and there's no excuse for her behaviour but it's disingenuous to report it as if she went crazy for no reason at some random dude who turned up to check if she was ok. it's obvious that he caused the accident - he apologises for it repeatedly and says that he didn't see her -

i was responding to this comment you made: "Okay, so your lede is mentioning how Twitter "woke the media the fuck up", but you also say that the police are forcing journalists to leave....which suggests they were already awake and there, and trying to document things. So which is it?"

"The tweets and photos from those on the ground in Ferguson allowed journalists from outside the area to see what was happening and they raced down to the scene. "

that could also be applied to all vocalists: use own natural accent, be good at it

this was how i felt about the movie Big Eden, presumably there's a place in the world for fairly terrible rom-commish gay movies as well as incisive examinations of issues of identity and pathos and self-fulfilment and that sort of thing

i'm pretty sure we didn't need the first iggy azalea

have you checked her undies for shitstains? you might get a nasty shock

i watched 'dinner for schmucks' the other day and octavia spencer turned up cast as a crazy pet psychic. i was like...seriously? why stop there, why not go for a full-on minstrel show

i myself have always believed the grand canyon to be the best-dressed canyon in the continental US

my partner can't feel it at all - it's a soft, thin string and they can trim it short for you. 'rejection' isn't necessarily painful either - i had one placed by a student doctor and it came loose after a month or so - it just felt slightly not right when i checked it at one point and on a later check i felt the

ooooooooooh the comments are gonna be good on this one

looks uncannily like helen flanagan

ass facts are important

guy has a bad case of doucheface

and yet you're not managing to ignore me

"i'll ignore whatever you say" is more of a classic in that vein

i'm trying to read your post but all i can see is this

equality for that particular race? it's equality between ALL RACES. campaigners for racial equality aren't trying to take rights away from anyone - except in the minds of such luminaries as your exact counterparts in the 'white rights movement', or the homophobic movement, who hate to hear any other group speak up.

same way racial equality and queer rights are about equal rights for everyone - with a particular focus on those who've been sidelined