
Is there nothing that will make you happy? Finally, a rear-mid-engined Corvette after 50 years of waiting and countless empty promises from so-called insiders, and all you can do is complain about the fuel mileage? I’ll bet you’ll find that the balance isn’t good enough and between that and no manual you’ll declare it

If 15 MPG city isn’t acceptable, then that makes quite a few exhilarating cars unacceptable... In no particular order:

“Hi, I owe 27k on my car, and that’s too expensive! I’d like to buy a car for $28k to lower my payment.”

What’s wonderful is the unconventional shape of the thing.  It will fit into stereo cabinets so nicely.  /s

Can’t wait for the first courtroom dispute over automated data. What do you mean the audit logs don’t go down to the millisecond?

“This seems like Cruise has set out to make city bus drivers obsolete, which didn’t really seem like a problem that we, as a society, really worried about.”

So I’m kinda digging how they ran a red light for their promo material in my own hometown ...

This sounds like it’s at least intended to be a sort of gateway or pilot product for fully autonomous vehicles. Something like an airport shuttle bus that only has to do a short, regular route at fairly low speeds but for the lowest possible TCO sounds like a plausible use case for a first-gen production AV,

Time to get out there and harvest the batteries and electronics from some scooters before they disappear from my town too! 

This is sobering news. Luckily, there is a remedy for that.

Probably what Donald Trump calls his balls.

What are The Golden Globes?  

If you think this is the first meme of the year then you’re not looking in the right places. Nobody watches the fucking Golden Globes anyway.

I have no sympathy for Toyota/Subaru when it comes to this car. Potential customers have been screaming for more power from day one. They responded by painting it green and giving it a big wing.  If they don’t want to listen to the market, then their product will fail.  Enthusiasts shouldn’t have to compromise and buy

The world is tired of underpowered Japanese cars.

This is an odd response. The original comment was vaguely interesting and the commenter even admitted his comment was neither here nor there. You seem like you’ve had a really bad day?

Well don’t expect a Jalopnik investigation.

I watched this yesterday, and I felt it was actually lacking in real detail.

Considering Muilenberg was an actual engineer and his replacement is not I would say no.