
Probably what Donald Trump calls his balls.

What are The Golden Globes?  

If you think this is the first meme of the year then you’re not looking in the right places. Nobody watches the fucking Golden Globes anyway.

I have no sympathy for Toyota/Subaru when it comes to this car. Potential customers have been screaming for more power from day one. They responded by painting it green and giving it a big wing.  If they don’t want to listen to the market, then their product will fail.  Enthusiasts shouldn’t have to compromise and buy

The world is tired of underpowered Japanese cars.

Well don’t expect a Jalopnik investigation.

I watched this yesterday, and I felt it was actually lacking in real detail.

Considering Muilenberg was an actual engineer and his replacement is not I would say no.

“My name is Tommy Callaway, and I managed to have a long, intimate relationship with an adult woman and raise two little girls without ever once considering how fucked up it is to treat a woman’s body like public property. That proves what a good guy I am, right?”

Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it

Your friend sounds like a boomer, too self-absorbed and stupid to plan properly for the future.

Rivan stock up 1000%

Everybody needs to leave my mustang suv baby alone now...

Holy shit, an honest-to-god GM fanboy. In 2019, even. You do you, my man.

The Gang Dilutes a Brand Name

My vote is for burn that mother fucker down.

Well, that’s the court order criminal case.

Let me get this straight: