‘Could Donald Trump do anything to lose their support? “No,” Dawn replied.’
This makes me so fucking happy. Sure, it’s fleeting, but right now I’ll revel in the schadenfreude.
Throw a punch to two?
I’m sure he’ll say, “we had the biggest crowds ever!!” But deep down it kills him that the crowds are small, just like it kills him that he is perceived as an illegitimate president.
“...the US spent 54% of its discretionary budget on the military.”
I haven’t bought anything, but I have adopted the dystopian post-apocalypse wasteland forlorn look of the models.
I was on Cathay Pacific (fortunately, first class), on a flight from Vancouver to Manila via Hong Kong. Shortly after wheels up, the pilot comes on to inform us that there’s a typhoon in Hong Kong, and that we may have to divert. That would have been nice to know an hour or so ago. Oh well, stuck for the next 14 hours.
My worst is probably more than most have ever experienced. Brake fire.
I think you’re confusing the desire to economize with being cheap. He probably can’t find enough interest or donors for the three planned.
Their voters have proven that they’ll vote Republican no matter what valid criticism can be lobbed at the party. They just did this.
You know, I’ve looked and I’ve looked and I just can’t see anywhere in my comment where I said a single fucking thing about Hillary Clinton.
As the residents of Trumpistan are so fond of saying, she lost. Get over it. Focus on the short-fingered piss golem we’ve got to deal with now.
I don’t think any reasonable person doubts that those things would be far less likely under Clinton.
That’s why I wrote it up for you!
All the jobs in the world must be had in the US! But no immigration!
Your answer is no. “People” complain about there being no jobs, but when you look at traditionally skilled trades type of jobs, they can’t find people to do the work. Americans don’t really want to weld, or be a machinist, or be a Heavy Equipment operator. They certainly don’t want to do that work at the wages you…
No one in the US will work 9+ hour days, 6 days a week, no benefits... for $3,000-5,000/year.
Americans and Robots are still way too expensive compared...
He came off pretty douchey. I think he was trying to be dry, but it didn’t come off that way. Not the kind of person who should be in front of a camera.
I a bit confused as to whats going on with Alex? Is he normally like this? He seems so standoffish, like he got forced into doing what most enthusiasts would see as an awesome opportunity.
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