
I can give Trump more excuses in that he’s a stupid spoiled brat who was never taught anything better. Mitch came from rather humble backgrounds and had polio himself, but now wants to actively harm children who are struggling. 

Agreed. Trump is an idiot who hurts people through his blundering and greed, but Mitch seems to have sat down and carefully planned out how best to erode democracy and build systems of exploitation.

In many ways, Mitch McConnell is worse than Donald Trump.

Really....was it that depressing for women in the workplace? I know a lot of Salad Men and Attractive Boy Assistants from back then who could not even get their foot in the door

That’s understandable. How could any other car hope to live up to that standard?

Yeah....but I wouldn’t have gone for the manual if Dodge gave it 100 less HP. I understand “fun” is a major factor in purchasing a vehicle, but this is a work truck. It’s made significantly worse at its job by the addition of a manual transmission.

I’m sorry, he’s right.

Aaron, let me just say that you are excellent at your job, but you are woefully out of your depth here.

Yes, that’s his position, and that’s the right position.

And in this case the court was right. There was nothing unfair or deceptive about forgetting to tighten the lug nuts, what was just negligence. In this case the mechanic *did* actually rotate the tires, he just did a shitty job at it.

Opinions like this make some good populist kindling, but never addresses a) how money currently collected is being wasted and how to fix that and b) what exactly would this money be used for and c) who are we punishing and to what ends?

I’ll expand on this—*MOST* frequent fliers are business travelers. As Mr. Party said, the tax won’t reduce their travel, it will increase their employers’ expenses. So what it will reduce is their salary, potential for raises, and even likelihood of being hired into a travel-required job in the first place.

Hey now, thats not really fair. They send Renaults here on a yearly basis. At least 2 and some change. Just don’t tell him they are coming from Mexico.

The Root is every bit as biased and dishonest as Fox News is. There’s very little honest news left. Almost every media outlet has chosen sides and shamelessly promotes an agenda. I blame Fox News for it. They were the first major media outlet (in recent years) to go hardcore with their bias. It proved to be a very

Markup on the touring bikes vs Goldwing/etc isn’t really there - they all cost the same. the others it’s more of an issue, but the big tourers (the ones the real riders put 100k+ on) are fairly priced.

So all you pro netters are also clamoring to outlaw smartphones, right?

so you have 16, attendance at MLB this year is listed as 68,494,752, 0.000023359%. This is not an issue. Pay attention at games. Don’t put kids in the hot seats. If old people sit there and get hit they chose it.

16 injuries.

If it’s a drop in for an E Type, presumably it’s close to being one for a Series XJ. Which for my money would be a better application - the V12's silence and torque was about as close as you’d get to an electric drivetrain back then, and the whole car was a perfect match to that. So why not drop one of these in and