Culturally, yes.
Culturally, yes.
The only thing in Garnet’s story that wasn’t stylized was the corruption blast, which also has to mean something interesting.
1) But the only outrage is self-generated. Kondabolu produced a (in my mind) thoughtful documentary in which he tackles minority representation in popular culture through the lens of The Simpsons. He repeatedly talks about how much he loves The Simpsons, how funny he finds Apu to be, and how conflicted he feels in…
Fear WHOSE wrath, and in what actual form would or COULD it take aside from verbal disagreement, you big baby? Sheesh.
So we should only care about the feelings of famous people?
it’s much easier to believe generations of Indian children are being bullied or made fun of because of an outdated POC stereotype on a popular tv show than it is to think of white kids being teased as “haha you’re Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel!”
The latter of which has probably never happened while the former is…
Because Al Jean is an old rich white guy who hasn’t kept up with general social discourse on racism and thus thinks that what he learned/grew up with in the 70s and 80s was the pinnacle of human understanding and that kids these days are the ones who are wrong.
Can’t wait to see how civil the comments are going to be...
For a large number of Star Wars fans, nothing is ever good enough.
Of all the gripes about TLJ, the decision to make force powers / sensitivity more egalitarian is the most peculiar one to me.
Rey’s parentage reveal in TLJ is fantastic. Exactly the kind of message SW should send in this day and age: “Doesn’t matter where you come from. That’s not who you are or the limit of your potential. You decide what to make of yourself.”
I’m 30, not a parent, and have pretty much no adult responsibilities beyond having a job and paying rent, but it seems to me like most toys are just cheap junk you end up buying in huge amounts that ends up being so much clutter.
Yeah, one of the best parts of the show’s growth in seasons 2 and 3 was the exploration of how Michael was just as fucked up, crazy, and often selfish as his family. Season 1 shied away from that and he often wound up as the lone voice of reason in a family of nutjobs, but the later seasons thankfully moved away from…
I re-watched season 1-4 for the first time since 4 came out. What surprised me, was not just how well the show held up, but how I related to the show differently as someone in my 30s than I had in my 20s.
I actually called their customer support to ask about this since I noticed that at my parents house, this doesn’t happen. They claimed there’s no way to turn it off and took down my suggestion for an “enhancement” to get rid of the crap feature they added.
These ads are probably the most annoying thing about Netflix.
It’s just a trade name and a religious term, right? I can do that:
Norm Macdonald eviscerated Bret Easton Ellis when he called Alice Munro overrated. His tweets: “Alice Munro is to literature what Lee Iacocca is to automaking. Bret Easton Ellis is to literature what Lee Iacocca is to literature.” and “It is interesting to see Alice Munro, the writer’s writer, criticized by Bret…
This week in Ravi is the Best
When Korra said "…just the two of us." I fucking flatlined. Then they held hands and looked each other in the eyes and I fucking died.