
I was always potentially aware that he might have just set this one season up on his feet and got the feather in his cap of doing a show that he co-ran and had a hand in the conception and casting and making of, versus the original series where he definitely became a producer at the end, was certainly I think [Game Of

Yeah they should probably not sell them... there’s better ways these days to accomplish what this does. Though it is trivial to make one of these yourself so it won’t really help much. 

Came here to see if anyone noticed the resemblance to the late 2000's mazda front ends.

Ideally it would be white but as it turns out there were no white coatings that had the right properties of long term stability and other parameters suitable for the mission. It’s being exposed to a pretty extreme environment for years, and its protecting carefully calibrated instruments so stability over that time is

This is hilarious/sad. He meets someone and says “you’ve seen my dick as a baby, do you want to see what it looks like now?” and some number of women, maybe not sober, take him up on it and he is disappointed this has not resulted in marriage.

Ha, definitely still a thing. Just had one of these at a brewpub on Friday.

I’d like to point that the murders were nearly *30 years ago*. Most people don’t have deep awareness of cultural events from before they were born or when they were very young. I’d argue that many people under 35 only have some passing awareness of it, if any at all, and that it involved some guy named OJ. The other

Lotus got bought by a Chinese company and has all kinds of weird shit in the pipeline. SUVs included

Thanks for this. I want to like these oranges for their convenience and healthfulness but all too often its a disappointing crapshoot and I end up avoiding them. Sometimes its a lot of work to get into them and then its a sour/dry/chewy mess.

Old guard businesses bring in new hires / consultants who feel compelled to deliver something to “push the needle”, even if that something is a misfit. Clearly this was a case of someone getting hired some months ago during the chicken sandwich craze and pushing to find a way for Starbucks to deliver it.

It’s pretty common in representation contracts to have the rep get paid even if the client went directly to the artist. The idea is that the rep is doing work to promote the artist and that can lead to such contacts. There is often a sort of grace period for a time when representation begins (say, a year) where the

The stereotype of Canada is that they’re very polite but the reality is when it comes borders, immigration and such, Canada is very strict. Even with a work visa sponsor the sponsor has to explain why a Canadian cannot do what the person coming in does. And they will gladly ship someone back that does not meet their

I think this could be. I work in a creative industry where I’ve been fortunate enough to have a modest amount of success and many inquiries I receive about commissions start with something like “I don’t know if you’re interested but...”

I have always thought they could write off Luanne as having moved to Los Angeles for the manger babies and Lucky could’ve had another slip on pee-pee - except deadly this time.

You don’t have to drop the shot into the beer. In fact... I don’t really recommend this. Rather its originally just a cheap (rough) shot w/ a cheap beer chaser. Served fast and cheap; just what the guy making boilers needs at lunch to get through the rest of his day.

A shit ton of people believe it. As someone who has worked in autonomous robotics, Tesla calling it an “autopilot” will go down as one dumbest automotive industry mistakes in history (but let’s be honest, this was one of Elon’s amphetamine fueled ideas to call it that)

The yellowbird sriracha is pretty good. For me, the archetypal rooster stuff tastes too much like the preservatives in it - just kind of a weird taste you don’t get in the other srirachas.

On the Border’s tortilla chips are also better than any chain-restaurant-to-grocery-store product ought to be. Like shockingly good.

Somehow I got a bad bottle of Ken’s ranch the other week. Date was fine, opened it up and whoof... super sour. Tasted like vinegar. My wife sampled it and came to the same conclusion.

I tried watching it a few years ago and MwC is mostly terrible and cringe now.