
The amount of pro-Depp suggested content that keeps coming up in my social media feeds is excessive and very weird. Huge paid sockpuppet vibe. I guess the 2020's are going to be about dueling social PR as much as anything in the courtroom.

Someone left some canned Heineken at my house after a party. Usually bottled in its trademark green bottle, Heineken is infamous for being skunked - to the point I just thought that’s what it was like. Turns out Heineken in a can is a completely different experience and quite decent for a macrobrew.

A few years ago flying in Newark on United we partially landed. Gear to port touched... an unusual delay of a moment later gear to starboard touched. Then the engines *roared* and we headed back into the sky at a rapid pace. Everyone got real quiet.

I don’t know if I’d compare the PUSA who has a shit ton of advisors on literally everything to an eccentric actor

Maybe he had one of those “oh, this explains some things...” moments. As I get older and find some people I’ve known in my life who were eccentric or unpredictable in their mood - only to later find they are diagnosed with something kind of bad, I understand. You do feel kind of bad for judging them.

Who would buy it? They’re a huge expensive headache to own so it would have to be another billionaire and none is interested in some oligarch’s pre-owned yacht. They might even become some kind of target for retribution.

I’ll be that parent and say I don’t see why my toddlers shouldn’t just read (well, “read”) a real book, draw/paint on real paper and play with a real puzzle.

There’s a regional burger chain here that has locations with the in-n-out style of drive thru windows where you could see in the kitchen. Must not have worked out they way they intended because now there are graphics covering the lower half of the window so where you can’t really see much.

There was another article about this (was it here? or nytimes?) but also that the movie ended up being more popular than they expected and they made many extra prints directly from the original master instead of duplicates intended for that purpose.

I bet he cut a deal with a willing finance person.

Lots of things like that... in small quantities (like propylene glycol), no harm at all. Dump a lot though and you can kill a great deal of things. Consider ethyl alcohol... fun in appropriate doses but gets deadly quick.

This doesn’t seem out of place for the era. In-dash screens weren’t the norm yet and displays usually weren’t touch screens yet so there would be issues with having a functioning radio/cd changer and space for all the controls. The unit was likely made by a third party brand as well - something common for a long time

The rule of the day is supply and demand. KBB is based on supply and demand... in normal times. But since time’s aren’t normal KBB is irrelevant.

Florida man’s got nothin on UK’s finest 

Price gouging is where, having no available substitute, a vendor dramatically increases prices. Think gasoline after a disaster, or water. I don’t think Hershey’s raising prices on pb cups counts as “price gouging” - you can always buy something else.

My in-laws live near a little north of there and it was -10 early this morning. Those monkeys are dead...

Luanne goes to LA to follow her Manger Baby dreams after Lucky dies following another unfortunate slip and fall on pee-pee.

Haggis is fine; blood sausage on the other hand... the taste is just bleh.

Yeah and this statement “If your system is saturated, if you don’t need any energy, but you’re drinking a lot of alcohol, because you don’t need energy all the alcohol will be converted into fat.” isn’t absolutely true either. Alcohol has to be processed by the liver before it can be used as energy (or stored) and the

Aeropress was my jam for years before I got an espresso machine. Try varying the water temps +/- 10 degrees with different coffees - you’ll get different results. Same with steep time. I kept a log.