
I had a 98 sunfire and the cupholders were atrocious. Same deal - shallow and weirdly sized. I had plenty of water bottles fly out of them in a turn and learned to keep one hand on the drink if I had been through a drive-thru. It’s funny, I’ve kind of maintained that habit ever since.

Sir this is an internet. Today’s peanut gallery for malcontents.

At least it is interesting. As someone in the arts and design industry, I admire people who make interesting things, even if they don’t quite work as beauty queens.

Yeah, and that stuff is very standardized with a lot of accessories available, and the airflow keeps mold and bugs at bay (which is why restaurants use it)

They could be written out... Lucky died of another unfortunately timed pee-pee slip and fall prompting Luanne to take her Manger Babies to the place of American dreams: Los Angeles

Wire shelving from a restaurant supply. Comparable in price and much better built

I picked up some wire metro-style shelving at a restaurant supply store. Much more sturdy than fiberboard and only about $20 more.

I ignore both 1-star and 5-star reviews entirely. Almost all of them are written by people with cognitive problems or are fake. Restaurant reviews are sus in general - too many subjective variables.

The breakfast burrito is one of their better items

Historically red symbolizes power through war (color of blood) or revolution. It certainly has its place and in many uses, nobody would think too much about it (nobody thinks a mail carrier is a vehicle of war). But as the symbol of visiting top emissaries of the nation the choice of seafoam is intentionally the polar

The current scheme is symbolic and the product of thoughtful consideration and design.

Mine does not. It does, however, have a chicken nuggets button.

... or people who are disabled

A lot of countries have auto taxes that vary on size, engine displacement and age of vehicle. In these places a cheap, small, new vehicle is often less to own than a larger used vehicle.

Something I recently learned... the ISS cupola took *23 years* to make it to space. It was designed in 1987 with the windows fabricated shortly after. It finally launched in 2010.

Similar effect for why some people will trust what 2nd Uncle Bob’s co-worker says on Facebook about vaccines giving you the hoodoo rather than some science-talking poindexter from the gubmint. Some kind of leftover tribal mental wiring that implicitly trusts “us” and is deeply suspicious of “them”

The Amy’s varieties are a staple for vegetable soups. The Campbell’s “Kettle” brand in a plastic container are decent.

When I was very young (~10-12) I’d enter in these programs. They weren’t great for learning though because they were often uncommented and came with no explanation of what the more obscure bits were doing. The BASIC of the time often was unstructured ‘spaghetti’ code - a bunch of IF ... THEN GOTO lines that made it

The trader joes version are exactly the same and far cheaper too. For all I know, they may source them from the same factory. We’ve also had issues with the Bambas on my store’s import aisle being stale.

As a suborbital craft it doesn’t remotely come close to orbital speeds and so there is no need for tiles or retrorockets.