Craig Lehoullier

That’s a really great image.

No no. That is cultural appropriation. The Irish were one of the first victims of racism. Just because they are no longer racism’s biggest target does not mean that racism was, for a time, the number one problem confronting most of the Irish.

Yes I was made aware of that by another commenter and do agree. Having just completed the article I accidentally commented using the language within the article. I am not proud to have been influenced by such a racially-charged author, something I will keep an eye on in the future.

Black people had it much worse than Native Americans. I dont’ think many will disagree with that. Native Americans were willing participants in a war for which they were ill-prepared.

Yes I think that should have read “black people.”

How could I? The British were the chief tormenters of we Irish, on both sides of the pond. Rat bastards.

The Irish of yesterday were the illegal Mexican immigrants of today. They were social outcasts and were excluded from the labor force with extreme prejudice. They were the victims of blatant racism for several hundred years.

If your username is a veiled reference to the very catchy ditty made famous by the box office smash Blues Brothers titled Shamalamadingdong then in my opinion you have struck gold. I like it.

I said that the blacks had it worse. It’s right in the comment you are replying to.

I am also an historian and I cannot believe that any true historian would agree with this impossibly bogus article.

Nominating a woman virtually ensures the Republicans will win, and their nominee is looking more like Mr. Trump with each passing day.

It is the Democrats that are enabling Mr. Trump by nominating Hillary Clinton as their candidate.

I understand that the qualification for “mammal” is to have hair and though I fully recognize that whales have a tiny patch of peach fuzz I do believe it is still a stretch to label them mammal and equivocate their life experience with our own. I think it is science’s greatest mistake, actually.

I take no amusement from vicious whales.

And yet, what is in a pool? Chlorinated water. And what is in the ocean? Water as well.

Whales live in water. Humans live in air. And I cannot believe I have to clarify this.

Only because as a human that is not your natural habitat, unlike whales.

In my opinion, whales are more violent than people.

Maybe. Very well. I personally can’t feel too bad over their treatment of killer whales considering how violent those creatures are in the first place.

Sounds like you fellows had yourselves the cinematic equivalent of a speedball: One giant hit of marijuana and before you exhale you take one shot of bourbon or rye [100pf + only] and snort a larger than normal line of cocaine.