My Hero Zero

You know I don't think that Dad's was that bad.

You know I don't think that Dad's was that bad.

That cloud looks like Morrisey!

That cloud looks like Morrisey!

The moral of the story is, never try.

The moral of the story is, never try.

Waiter, there's too much pepper in Pepper Potts!

Waiter, there's too much pepper in Pepper Potts!

Can Lenny have it?

Can Lenny have it?

Can Lenny have it?

You don't win friends with salad.

You don't win friends with salad.

Shake harder, boy!

Shake harder, boy!

The opiod crisis is overblown.

The opiod crisis is overblown.

The opiod crisis is overblown.

I see Abe Vagoda!

I see Abe Vagoda!