
Corgi 1973 Lotus 72D, bought for me in 1973!

First off, you all need to go to

I have a way more diecasts than I currently have room to display. I mainly stick to 1:18 and 1:43.

It put a mile on my face.

I’ll go you one better. I AM a subaru WRX driver who doesn’t vape.

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I know! It was awesome since we were going from the power stage in Guanajuato to the award ceremony which was in Leon city, so we basically had the same path and it was so fun to share the road with a race car, until we entered the city everyone wanted to go alongside him so we kept our distance so we could not cause

I found Loeb on the highway in the way to the award ceremony.

“Is that coachwork by Mulliner Park Ward?”

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I totally know what you mean. Like you, my wife and I also didn’t really become fascinated with space until after college. But now we can’t get enough. We work together so we were lucky enough to see it (online) together. All day long my wife kept saying “this just makes me so happy!” It’s just so cool. And the fact

Modern society is schizophrenic on this issue. When you reject traditional morality on sex, you can’t be surprised that the “male gaze” or whatever it was controlling is there lurking behind. People want to pick and choose what they want. It doesn’t work like that. Let’s treat women with respect but have a

I’d surely be disappointed in the Jalopnik community if no one else has. I’ve shown all my roommates various bits and pieces even. Heck my girlfriend (granted, she loves cars) has seen clips!

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Koenigsegg actually 3D prints their turbos out of titanium and have been for a while now.

This year’s Leadfoot Festival is on the weekend after next. Obviously I have tickets and I can’t bloody wait! Think of it as Goodwood lite with fewer rules.

My dad has attended the Hagley classic car show in DE every single year it has been held. For 20 years, we faithfully bandaged up his 1953 Morgan +4 well enough for him to attend the show. Every year they have a theme (for example Fords in 2004 for Ford’s 100th anniversary), and in 2016 it was “unrestored originals.”