
Relieve the police.

Did we take away the sandbox where you could bury your head?

They sure did blow inspection.

I'm always misunderstarred.


Peek Jalopnik.

Eats, shoots, and leaves, my man. 🐼

nik + Jalop = weird scrapyard

Counterpoint: this is a magnificently worded statement. It evidences real consultation with Black folks.

IS = Infiniti Sucks

...despite the crowd open-carrying automatic weapons, screaming in their faces, and threatening government officials *inside* the state capitol. All while the cops have no vehicles, no body armor and no heavy weapons.

Tell me more about which crowds are a threat.

Customer: Please follow the Truth in Lending Act.

Acura in the front, Alfa in the back.

Read the article, guys. The ringer was a real racer.

Imagine being better than a pro racer AND available to step in for him.

Pretty sure what happened to them was that they were all used in Robocop, Back to the Future 2, and Total Recall.

Right, the car itself wasn't the weapon.

As someone who lived through that, I'd say we were more worried about the rifle than the car itself.

This. So much of travel is business-related. No business is even going to begin to PLAN conferences again until we have a widely available vaccine. With a typical 6-9mo lead time for major events, you’re looking at Fall 2021 for the real rebound.