Right, the car itself wasn't the weapon.
Right, the car itself wasn't the weapon.
As someone who lived through that, I'd say we were more worried about the rifle than the car itself.
This. So much of travel is business-related. No business is even going to begin to PLAN conferences again until we have a widely available vaccine. With a typical 6-9mo lead time for major events, you’re looking at Fall 2021 for the real rebound.
It's that paaaandemic!
We need a nimble jet manufacturer with Combi experience!
For the Wrangler’s absurdly high residual value? I imagine she would some day.
Still only $5k less than a new one.
Did you hear the soundtrack? Russian dashcam drivers never react.
Elon has jumped the shÆrk.
They shouldn’t have named it the Pao if it can’t take a punch.
“Per Stine, this van...”
Rex Tillerson vs Donald Trump owww my brain
The cybertruck isn't a vanity project. It's a marketing project to open up a huge new sales pool. Big difference.
“Hey, Jason! No worries, we all spend a lot of time in engine bays these days...”
If Angela Merkel orders this, it'll be Daimler Chrysler by Fiat.
Fair, I bought mine after it had already gone to the clutch pack in the sky. New Jasper with a 2yr warranty.
If only you could buy a reliable car second-hand for about $5K...
.5% discount firm. I know what I've got!
Don’t F*CK with me, Cadillac!
There’s nothing more self-centered than believing that a supreme being monitors your bloodstream.