He was just tryna take it to the Jesus Hole.
He was just tryna take it to the Jesus Hole.
Fair kitsch.
What if Mike Trout is Homelander.
What a scene! Not since college have I seen this many lesbians get nuts.
Mack already covered this:
If you’re not classy enough to call it aubergine, you don’t deserve one.
Big step up from "Nazis."
“Customers Appalled by Infiniti Interiors and Reliability."
Unpredictable, out-of-control property damage is kinda the point, no?
What about the execs who ran the company into bankruptcy, made a hash of electrification, and still get fat bonuses?
That scene! It’s like a diorama of shitty plastics.
>just mak[e] cars that people can care more about...than reliable, hassle-free, efficient transportation appliances?<
>Don’t like that I get less mpgs than you? ...worry about your own pitiful and sad existence.<
In Putin Russia, space travels YOU!
How did we Nazi this coming?
Late at night, car driving the wrong way (next to me) on a divided exurban arterial. I honked and flashed for a mile to no avail.
John Kerry was in 4th place on the eve of Iowa ‘04. The media loves conflict, not a coasting frontrunner. So please, let’s dispense with contrived, conspiratorial excuses and try to understand other voters’ motives without judgment.
But did it dunk that Oreo before it ate it?
Did these guys *know* how achingly cool they were? Or were they so cool, they didn't notice?