
The world is going to hell in an MEB handbasket.

At least Hoov had the good sense to remove the two-tone.

Jalopnik has officially self-actualized.

More like MR$2. CP.

Buried lede: Illinois still has Polish guys named Karol.

He sure looks Lost.

The obstacle is not machine learning. It’s detailed object recognition. We'll need years before any computer can reliably differentiate a crossing guard from a construction worker, a cop from a delivery driver, etc. 

Never...until they can instantly categorize everything and draw on nearly infinite experience to predict its behavior.

“Porsche: pronounce the ‘e’ for ‘electric.’”

I think we're really onto something here, friend!

The E-Class interior is already a goddamn work of art.

My first thought: if the Ambiguously Gay Duo lived in Gotham, they'd drive this.

What if GRRM’s *real* point was that all we have is each other and the world is what we alone make it?

Good thing they'd repealed the window tax.

He’ll have Red Skin after taking 200 sacks.

Counterpoint: Stop being so precious about your overbought cars, people.

Wow, Allyship Level 10 Unlocked! Thanks, Diana!!