One Weird Trick! They all fit in our mid-sized sedan (Acura TL) just fine.
One Weird Trick! They all fit in our mid-sized sedan (Acura TL) just fine.
More like SnoRT
Coach: Next time, lift the puck carrier’s stick.
Surprised it didn’t mistake them for another Tesla, given the panel gap.
Strong effort, Amazon, but Man In The High Castle still sucks.
Of course officials didn't notice another pantsless guy in Portland.
2006 Range Rover
It's just a row, not a column.
I just tell myself it's an air boat. Bouncing is part of the deal.
Eats, Shoots and Le'ves
“Wobbly, Unexpected Lateral Doesn’t Lead to Gang Tackle at 3-Yard Line” -alternate headline
“At least the media is targeting me." -OBJ
Fast & Furious 50: Drive By Wire
“I’ll show you a Boaty McBoatface!” -Boat 1
It will be Driving_Impaired in no time.
That many drops, he should forfeit some pay.
This is awfully catty of you. Such banners often predate a team's first championship.
I'll get my star after you count again. :)
You can’t spell Mike Clevinger without ‘revenge.’