
I’m sure there is union protection as well. I know I’ve run to my teacher’s union for a hell of a lot less.

I’m absolutely gonna love the lawsuit that this teacher files if she gets fired over this. Hey jackwagons! Government employees have freedom of speech in politics, too!

“Yeah, no, I’d rather not have potheads building my subs.”

Kids are often cited as a yard-keeping reason, but from watching my neighborhood full of children, all yards are used for is to run straight through to go play in the street, and for the storing of unused toys.

I’m confused as to how mowed grass is better to play in. I grew up running around in wooded lots and had a blast.

You fucking piece of utter and complete shit, it’s terrorism because it cultivates a culture that you white supremacist pieces of shits can harass and even attack innocent people because everybody else might be too afraid to step up and defend their fellow human beings from garbage wastes of evolution like yourself.

The weird thing is if you ranked the 100 best jellybeans being hit by a truck would probably come in at #50.

We don’t, but MLB, New Era and Majestic like making money off of variant caps and jerseys.

I love a royal beef.

That’s a sweet baseball chin, lads.

Did we fart that much when we were kids? I felt like I would take one crap a day and that’s about it and almost never fart. Now...pretty much the opposite.

I am doxing here but fuck him

As a grad student in New York State, a place up the road had an all you can eat wing night for 12.50 where you also got 2 pints of beer. I ate on the order of 50ish wings one night because they were too good to stop. Didn’t hurt much. My poop the next day smelled magical

My freshman year of college, I completed the “pizza two mile” with several of my cross-country teammates. One whole Papa John’s large cheese pizza, eight laps on a track. Eat a slice, run a lap, continue for eight of each. I finished the ordeal in 16 minutes and 17 seconds, and it remains both my greatest athletic and

For Mayweather’s sake, I don’t know why you even bothered to write anything down.

If you break a law in a foreign country, unless you have diplomatic immunity, they get to prosecute you under their laws, if they so wish. Add Qatar to the ‘places i’m not going on vacation’ right below North Korea and Mississippi.

Laugh all you want, but that guy is undefeated in the 84-lb. weight class.