so the solution is to add more cars to the road by building more roads. got it.
so the solution is to add more cars to the road by building more roads. got it.
Spicy! Tell me, where did the sprawl hurt you?
relegate cars to the stupid street that goes nowhere
What the fuck happened to kinja user rusholmeruffian
What’s your solution? If there’s too many cars on the streets - you do what?
“I am planning 40 minutes to get from entrance to the terminal.”
...when has there ever been enough available parking on 24th for an impromptu lowrider show
I want cars the hell out of my city. We borrowed trillions to build you interstate highways and country roads, so stay the hell out there and not in my neighborhood!
it’s really mind-boggling how many homevoters don’t understand that upzoning their single-family houses to allow apartments will make them rich without their having had to do any work.
“plan for an hour around the airport loop” between 7PM and 11PM.
This state would commit $100 BILLION to a “high speed rail project” that best case will link Madera and Wasco... These a-holes would make that commitment without a dime going to a modest HSR rail net that would at least link the coastal cities of Ventura, LA, Orange and SD counties?
teach your idiot clumsy children to ride bikes
if you are gen x you are trash
it’s really mind-boggling how the baby boomers are so detached from reality
or, if you love sprawl so much, just move to the millions of acres of sprawl around every city
because they’re in the middle of nowhere and people who want to live in cities don’t want to live in the middle of nowhere
InNoVaTiOn AnD cReAtIvItY aRe OnLy PoSsIbLe UnDeR cApItAlIsM bEcAuSe MuH hUmAn NaTuRe
it’s pretty attractive to a lot of kids who don’t have the magic touch for other team/ball sports, and whose skill is being kinda fat and being able to sprint for a little bit. It’s the only place where the Chub Club can get in front of the crowd.
my apologies to all of pinochet’s torture goons who might have read this and been offended