
Alot, but mostly a light front end and high-rebound struts

No you are right. Although I’m not sure about the max width of the tires I believe it used to be limited to 275 not sure of now

Stiff Anti-roll bar and equal right-left weight distribution

Truck alone is worth that. Scrap the camper

Come on, you think people buying these cars care about anything other than that?

So it finally catches up with the ‘13 GT500?

Boy that sure is funny. Do you ever think people might just like fast boats?

Who needs friends when you have a boat like that

What if that dog falls asleep????!!

Actually it requires no operator. The human is just there to keep an eye on it. The other human is there to keep an eye on the other human.

“And it’s all Trumps fault” -right?

Haha, Just want to say beautiful title.

There are no planetary gearsets or a torque convertor in a manual transmission. This truck has a manual as you can tell by the sound of the gears grinding.

Definitely not an automatic transmission.

Whelp, that about does it for this blog for me. It’s too bad we can’t have the nonbiased reporting we used to have.

“...after Darren Wilson executed Michael Brown, Jr. on Canfield Drive in 2014.”

$10K!?!?!? WTF where was that budget for me in high school 

Guess they haven’t forgiven Japan

It’s not actually attached to the door

JFC I get you may not like this guy and I’m not a huge fan either but hes no dictator here to start a genocidal war or overthrow the American Government FFS get a grip