
I personally prefer a mid-size 4x4 instead of the HUGE raptor. Yeah I get more bang for the buck with the raptor, but if I do buy the raptor, I’ll be reminded everytime when I park at our company lot that it’s a freakin huge thing. Actually there’s a raptor at our lot already and it basically takes up the entire spot,

Ah got it. I will drop by chevrolet dealership one of these days and just sit in one.

Cool! Thanks for the information. You got a GT350? Nice! I went to the dealership nearby today and test drove a GT. Nice car, but me being short(I’m only 5'9) and the fact that I can’t see past the two hood bulges made my drive pretty nerve wrecking. The lady sales who was shorter by a couple of inches with heels and

That “guy” in your reply is that me? Haha I’m confused.

Never thought of using FB for that. Is it possible to search FB group for post though? Part of the reason for using forums is that the search is quite useful for finding posts on certain topics.

Ah okay. I’m nowhere near as tall as you are so I guess that’s part of the problem for me ha :S

Yeah that gif of that guy doing the gestures look real mature. Good thing I never wished I could find the time to show up at these Q&A.

I thought the current gen ‘stang also has a seat that’s sunk very low, so the view out front is 1/3(vertically) being the hood, but with more windshield?

running in ESP? Do you mean with ESP on or there’s a class called “ESP”?

Eh, I don’t expect too much when a forum is free. If they charge me a few dollars a month and still is so janky I’d be a lot more critical/annoyed.

There IS an intercooler....

The record time is ACR which has nothing to do with the Hellcat trio. Show me a lap time done with the hellcat that’s best in the class with similar lb/hp.

Okay. I seem to remember that the ground crew that shove the bags into the cargohold had the airport name on their clothing, thus the question.

The engine in the Turbo is still unique to itself and not shared with any of the turbo’d plain 911s, so yes, there’s that selling point.

How are they ridiculous? all the S are the power added versions, and the 4 denotes AWD, whereas the GTS is inbetween the non GT cars, and the GTs are well, GTs.

So how do the Twin engine planes manage to stay flying when one of the engines stops working, since this is obviously a concern when the nearest land is 1hr+ away?

Are these baggage attendants employees of Air Canada or the airport? I ask because last time I flew from SFO(not that the airport would matter) I don’t recall seeing them wear the airline’s uniform nor saw any badges indicating they were.

It’s heavy because it’s not using the same weight saving materials as the M3/4. That and it’s not that heavy anyway, when compared to past M3, pre E90. So no, that’s not an excuse.

Evidently you haven’t driven in LA where some onramps are nice and short, think <100ft short.

Yeesh. Put a few commas in that long sentence. It’s painful to read that without any freakin punctuation.