
Sales have tanked which means there won’t be very many on the used market, so that doesn’t really make them that much easier to get one used cheap.

I’m waiting for him to comment on the absolute wrongness of all the FRs.

By the same logic all FR cars have their engines in the wrong place. All FF cars are wrong too. Why aren’t those brought up?

I know there are 3 teslas within 1 mile of where I live(not in Palo Alto). And I see at least one every day.

Nothing wrong with that. Beats seeing BMWs driven by idiots. That and thus far I’ve only seen one tesla driven like a mad man(which is good or bad depending on your perspective...), so I’m inclined to think this won’t make driving in PA and South Bay a crappier experience than it is.

LOL true.

Tell me about the crazy price in NorCal. I can’t move now because I don’t think I can buy own house back for the same money that I paid just a few years ago XD

You just had to bring up the sad fact that Bioware is part of EA. *_*

Michael won’t do it over in io9 because deep down he knows he can’t take the flame there and come back without curling up into a ball and weep for hours on end.

I really am out of date on the rental cost these days. Wow.

There’s also double diamond ‘ya know :P

I’d assume the 5k is with 2bdr? Otherwise that’s just fuckin’ insane(excuse my language).

Ah SF, the nice city that won’t stop making money off you. I just heard from friends that rent for a 1bdr is now 3k+? WTF??

I’d take a miata over a S2k any day, if not purely because the much lighter weight.

I have a NA(all manual, and I do mean everything that CAN be non-power-assisted is) that’s still in Vancouver(I’m now in Silicon Valley) and I still drive it whenever I go back, rain or shine. It’s not so much the power, but the diminutive size that is on my mind whenever I take the car out. Then again people in


a Fiat convertible for 45k. Eek! For that money it better look almost as nice as the 4C.

Whelp, there goes me ever wanting to buy a 930 turbo as a 2nd weekend car. No way I’m blowing 100k on a car that I might drive like 10 times a year XD

We should do the same thing to whichever state you live in, just to be safe ;)

I want to know where I can go to ride an ostrich. That looks effin fun.