
And that Porsche had a plate "T3chnic". Nice.

Also, the article is on an IMS replacement company so I would think the information would not be as unbiased as it could be.

Yeah I never really bothered to look for hard data, I just know it's something to be aware of even for 997 and before the 9A1 debuted which completely eliminated the problem. Besides there's a permanent fix for the IMS from the aftermarket for not that much money :P

Hehe :)

Seriously. There are far bigger problems to worry about when loan needs to be taken out to buy a 30k car.

Water cooled 911s are mass produced and much more of a commodity than air cooled ones. 996 is a somewhat extreme example of the lack of interest. Production-wise 997 is more than the 996, and 991 even more so. If anything, the 997 should retain its value a whee bit better than 991 since it's not as GTish. Maybe in 50

IIRC 997 onward the IMS design was changed to reduce failure rate. So no not ticking time bomb. But more (cheap) 997 for the rest of us who needs a 2nd weekend car :D

So that begs the question, would 6250 cartons of eggs fit in the focus instead? If it doesn't fit the Focus FoST is still a fail too!! LOL

Something a bit off topic. Dunnot why when I clicked on your pic, the full size one was upside down LOL

Where did I say it's a waste or anything to that effect? Amazing you can draw a conclusion based on something that I did not say. Bravo!

They drive on the left side of the road, so this would be same as using the passing lane here in the States. Still stupid to go that fast, but not using the "right" lane that you are thinking of.

This still hasn't been tested on the ring, and it's still slower than the Ariel Atom 3.5R which cost quite a bit less, at Blyton. Also slower than the RXC turbo which wasn't at its best anyway. Nice toy, but still when it's a longer circuit with long(er) straights this thing can't keep up with even a 991 GT3, let

Those stock summer tires you got on? Look like the stock tires.

Those tires on the truck don't look like plain o' All season tires either. Guess they weren't chunky enough to not get stuck in that goop.

Oddly enough(or is it actually quite normal) I've never seen one in person. Hmm.

Too bad there's no giant truck that can do the same.

Mass. and NJ drivers are worse than SF Bay area supposedly. In Bay area, I have to treat everyone else as morons who will cut off/swerve into lane/wait at left turn signal for 7-10 seconds(yes I timed them before), and be pleasantly surprised when they drive like they actually pay attention to their surroundings. I

Did you just inhale the airbag fume when you posted that weird ass 5 spheres post yesterday?

The 3 looks huge in front of the cirrus. Wow that compact 3 is huge.