
Of all the things his supporters claim they care about, only one really matters at the end of the day: “owning the libs”. Facts and policy are a distant second place to this perception that they are sticking it to the establishment/leftist media/deep state or whatever nonsense Infowars has cooked up this week.

Everyone loves their fish but I think some of their sides are underrated. Their green beans are seasoned with big chunks of bacon for that southern style flavor. Their mac and cheese is creamy and smooth and not nearly as “processed chemicals” tasting as KFC’s. And I adore their cheese sticks, especially when they’re

Ugh, might want to double-up on masks and gloves.  That place is a petri dish at the best of times!

I’d like to know how this channel is funded. All I can find is that it’s owned by the same company that also runs Wealth TV (shocker), and both Wealth and OAN are “pay to play” channels that actually pay carriers to be on cable lineups. This is the opposite of most established channels like Fox News, who are paid for

True, but on the flip side shorter hours also concentrates people together tighter since everyone has to shop at the same small timeframe.  Before all this happened the best time to shop in my local stores was either right at open (6:30 am or 7 am depending on the chain) or after 10 pm.  Or in the case of Walmart, 3

I think one of our local stores is now opening that early one or two days a week for seniors; god knows they’ve already been up an hour or two by then.  I popped into one a few weeks ago with my elderly mother and it was indistinguishable from any other shopping day. It was just a general mix of people.

That point was probably when Seth MacFarlane relinquished control to focus on Family Guy or whatever crooner music project he was onto that week. Once it was in different hands, it got so much better.

Did anyone else notice the prominent QR codes on the “Now Leasing” ads at the entrance to Hawkton while Janice and Simone were standing out front? It’s not a web address but just a snippet of text that says: MEMORY TO MEDIA - 1-215-709-2298. It’s a real phone number in Pennsylvania, although when I called it all I got

When I went to record it via the DirecTV online program guide, the first result that popped up for “Beef House” was Guy Fieri.

I’m wondering this, too. A few in my area are closed while others are open for takeout.

I dunno, I feel like it’s been done before, and I wanna say on of the other AMC shows, like Breaking Bad or Mad Men. But it certainly as rare as hen’s teeth on basic cable.

I don’t like Brach’s candies because anytime I see the name, I think it’s the answer to the question, “How do these candies taste?” “Brraaaaachhh.” “Oh, that bad?”

I’m not really wowed by the puzzles aspect of the series so far, but I’m really interested in how they’re going to handle the Simone+Peter relationship, if at all.  Make room on the shipping couch, Liz, I need a seat next you.

I just assumed it was my responsibility to report any spills, even if it is just diesel.  I figured there was some law about letting it get into the groundwater or something.

I’ll see your spilled gasoline stories and raise you one spilled diesel story: On a roadtrip, I had just crossed over the MN/WI line on I-94 and stopped at a station to fill up. It was extremely cold and extremely windy, so windy that I could not hear the tell-tale sound of fuel coming up the filler neck in my TDI. It

While I was watching the show, I was looking up cast information about Simone because she is a new face and so striking, and I was surprised to see that her name doesn’t actually show up as a cast member on some of the listings. I’m wondering if that is done on purpose, if she’s only destined to be here for a few

And yet, American overwhelmingly loves ranch, which wasn’t even nominated. This place has a hate-on for that stuff for some reason.

And yet, American overwhelmingly loves ranch, which wasn’t even nominated. This place has a hate-on for that stuff

Well, ranch is easy: “homemade”.  Everything else tastes like chemicals.

Well, ranch is easy: “homemade”.  Everything else tastes like chemicals.

Odd. Publix carries them, as does my local Target.  The ones at Dollar Tree look like someone just took them out of the retail box and they aren’t labeled for resale.

My favorite bit of ‘amospheric’ in this episode was the way color was used — the shot of the Doctor next to the window, above is a good example. The rooms were lit in dim orange from the candles, but everything out the windows and in other rooms was vivid deep blues and violets, like something ghostly or electric was