
Back in the Napster days when you had to download music one song at a time, The New Pornographers nearly got me in trouble (and note that I have actually bought all their records). A friend was over and I knew he'd love them. I told him I had downloaded a few songs from their (then) new album Mass Romantic and he

I was referring to Archie, the character, not the property. There can be plenty of sexy time for everyone else (though maybe not Jughead & Betty).

And he only hung around to get the info from Joaquin.

And by showing Archie on the floor, it emphasized his "gentleman" aspect as he let Veronica have the bed.

It always made me laugh that she was considered such a schemer but was also the only one dumber than Dick (didn't intend the pun there but now I'm kinda liking it).

No matter how Twin Peaks the show goes, it's still Archie, so no, they didn't. The sexy Miss Grundy was the aberration.

In the ongoing saga of why my wife hates watching shows with me and my son, during the previously, we both shouted "Martha!" at the screen when Ronnie ripped the pearls off and it went slo-mo as they bounced away, as we had when it happened originally. In my defense, she knew what she was getting herself into when she

Oh shit, I'd forgotten I'd also seen that in the theatre, this time with my family, again because Beatles. But I was young enough to not really get how crappy it was. I do thank my dad for not taking me to see Tommy when it came out (he took my sister who is older & I really was pissed at the time I wasn't allowed to

When I was in elementary school, my local library had a screening of Magical Mystery Tour (it was the 70s so this was the only way to see it). I convinced a few friends to go as it was never on TV, while Help was a few times and it was fun. Plus, it's the Beatles. Little by little I noticed more and more empty seats

I've stopped watching but my wife hasn't. I saw the preview with her by chance and lost it when I saw Mer on a plane and ended up watching with her for weird reasons (under a strict no interrupting to ask questions about what is going on conditions). Oddly enough I was able to figure pretty much everything out cause

He was nothing without Pink Lady!

Hathaway's reaction in the last shot of the film is golden.

I'm pretty sure everything in this article is a lie.

I've had the Fearless Fifty and grabbed a few more cause it's pretty damn good. And Trader's has a fine price on it.

Dude, it's acceptable soap opera for men. Cause there's hitting between the stories.

It's three years on now & I'm really waiting to see the Flash that is such a formidable foe to all these guys from the future.

I just found out that my dad was good friends with Morgan way back when. They met in the late fifties but had a falling out over Morgan's heroin us. I knew my dad was a huge fan of his (the jazz torment he put me through as a kind luckily turned into appreciation as I got older and "got it") but never knew why.

Shall we tick off the ones we can tell are from Whedon's original script?

Honestly, I'd be impressed if they even asked that question! Cause then I could retort with a James Rockford reference. Oh, what a lovely night that would turn into.

I was wondering that too. I'd like to see some kind of discussion of the post-TV comics. I've read them off and on and like some of the ways the stories have continued.