Why is this obvious ad, not sponsored content? You run this same article multiple times a month.
Why is this obvious ad, not sponsored content? You run this same article multiple times a month.
Why is this obvious ad, not sponsored content? You run this same article multiple times a month.
Why is this obvious ad, not sponsored content? You run this same article multiple times a month.
I am already glad I passed on this one.
EA is facing backlash over Need for Speed as well.
REALLY!!! NO This was a bait and switch job. A game promoted one way only to change 3 missions in.
Ugh, this entire article made me want to eat a steak.
Eff that! Joey “Coco” Diaz for the WIN!
I’d go back to check it out if it were pre-cataclysm.
Too little too late. When you introduce PVP a year and a half after the initial launch, you’re gonna fail. Ubisoft fails a lot.
Sounds an awful lot like Bill Mahar’s excuse for using the N-Word... “it’s a joke”
This belongs more on Jezebel than Deadspin
Wow, just wow. And not a good Wow.
What puzzles me is how the loot boxes gives you cards for characters that are not unlocked.
RIP Visce... I mean Respawn.
You have too much time on your hands...
Don’t you actually have to play to be considered a “player”?
Sounds a bit like Knights of the Eternal Empire if you ask me...
Where do you get that Sbarro’s is the second largest chain? They are only in Malls and Truckstops!
They should just get Don Cheedle to replace him/
Odd what you folks care enough to write about.
You really spent this much time thinking about this? You need better hobbies, or more challenging work.