Which PlayerUnknown created.
Which PlayerUnknown created.
Why is Friday the 13th on here? That dumpster fire came out in May.
Someone has a light work day.
Wow the Alt-Left has a new home in Splinter!
No Muhammad. I guess the developer does not want their offices shot up.
Where’s Muhammad?
No, you are wrong. No Mans Sky is still booooorrrring AF!
My Dad’s Honda Accord just hit 200,000 miles, and know what? It has none of these problems, and it cost $100,000 less than a Tesla.
...but why, why do these exist?
What do you have against the non-billionaire class of people that can’t afford to do this? When did the former Gawker Media become so in-sensitive to the needs of their readers?
And here I thought the Cologne fisting incident of 2014 was the most controversial thing Microsoft did... I stand corrected.
Led Zepplin Anthology
Led Zepplin Anthology
You give him so little credit, after all, he is the Antichrist.
Glad I did not get this game...
I threw up just reading this.
I threw up just reading this.
“Here we go again” - C-3P0
This game was my first Kickstarter experience... probably my last.
Don’t you mean just opinions that get under your skin? You haven’t reported anything new or real in a very long time.
Its called a balista
I would not be opposed if someone hit this douche in the solar plexus with a hammer, sledge preferably.